duncan007 -> Panzer Command Ostfront Operational Game Project (9/20/2013 7:33:07 PM)
Hi all, I build a 2D operational level game which has the purpose of providing a dynamic campaign to tactical games. As proof of concept i have built (at a pre-alpha stage) an operational game for Panzer Command Ostfront. Why PCO? Because this game is the only one enough open to allow data exchanges with an operational layer game, and of course because it's a pretty enjoyable game. I am now at a stage of game testing to improve the gameplay, and gather opinions of players about what they would like to see in such a game. At this stage what we have ? - An operational game with low level graphics ( i am looking for a graphic designer) about the battle of Kharkov 1942. The operational map contains 63 areas mapped to 63 PCO maps (very basic maps built for testing). - For each fight during the campaign you can choose between automatic resolution or PCO resolution. - In Case of PCO resolution, a scenario is built on the fly and PCO is started. - Once the pco battle is over, the Operational Game is on top with the results displayed and you continue your game? Of course, as we are in pre-alpha, many things are to built, many things have to be changed, but i think it's a very good basis to evaluate if the concept is worth to be continued. So i am looking for players, enough curious to contribute to this project as alpha testers, and to help me to build the game mechanics. If you have skills in graphics design or if you know to use the PCO map maker, your contribution will be very appreciated. All the stuff you need is here Hope you'll enjoy [:D]