Patches after AI version release (Full Version)

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RockKahn -> Patches after AI version release (9/23/2013 3:33:21 PM)

I believe I read somewhere that the November release won't include the AI and that the AI will be released in the future for an added cost. I looked, but can't find where I read it, now.

Will the developers release separate patches for the non-AI AND AI versions, or will the patches work for both, or will the non-AI version become discontinued and not supported?

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere.

Thanks in advance.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Patches after AI version release (9/23/2013 4:56:28 PM)



I believe I read somewhere that the November release won't include the AI and that the AI will be released in the future for an added cost. I looked, but can't find where I read it, now.

Will the developers release separate patches for the non-AI AND AI versions, or will the patches work for both, or will the non-AI version become discontinued and not supported?

Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere.

Thanks in advance.

Let's assign them numbers: Version 1, without the AI Opponent; Version 2 includes the AIO.

Prior to version 2, all patches will be for version 1. Nothing confusing there.

Once version 2 is available, version 1 will no longer be sold. So, all patches after version 2 is available will be for version 2.

Since the availability of version 2 is likely to be many months after version 1's initial release that shouldn't be a problem for early purchasers of the version 1. But you are quite right that there will be a point in time, (shortly before version 2 become available) where purchasing version 1 might mean you wouldn't get any new patches - since they would only work for version 2.

I guess the customer would have to decide if he is comfortable with that or not. If 'not', then he could upgrade to version 2 at whatever the incremental cost between the two versions turns out to be.

EDIT: I sincerely hope that I am not still patching version 1 shortly before version 2's release date.[sm=innocent0001.gif]

Numdydar -> RE: Patches after AI version release (9/23/2013 8:07:06 PM)

When with the EIO be ready? [:D]. I bet you would need to sell the farm to get it[sm=00000289.gif]

Sorry could not resist with all of the initials floating around lol.

jzz001 -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 4:36:41 PM)

If I purchased version 1, Do I need to pay additional costs to upgrade to version 2? Thanks.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 6:10:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: jiangzhouzi

If I purchased version 1, Do I need to pay additional costs to upgrade to version 2? Thanks.

The plan is to replace version 1 with version 2, with the latter having a somewhat higher price. Once version 2 is available for purchase, version 1 will no longer be available for purchase.

For customers who prefer to just stay with version 1, there will be a "full update" of all modifications pertinent to version 1 at the time that version 2 is released. Basically, just before version 2 is released, we will give the customer base an up-to-date version, but obviously one that does not include the AI Opponent or PBEM.

Thereafter updates will only be made to version 2.

If you purchased version 1 and want to move on to version 2, there will be an incremental cost. I think (but cannot promise) that the cost to move from version 1 to version 2 will be the same as the difference in list price between version 1 and version 2.

jzz001 -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 7:02:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets

If you purchased version 1 and want to move on to version 2, there will be an incremental cost. I think (but cannot promise) that the cost to move from version 1 to version 2 will be the same as the difference in list price between version 1 and version 2.

If so it is perfectly acceptable.[;)]
Thanks for the explaination.

wodin -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 11:06:20 PM)

This is one game where I have serious concerns on whether an AI is feasible..Shannon do you think maybe it's going to be a bridge to far;)? Or are you certain it can be done. If your certain it can be done I will hold off for the AI version.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 11:23:22 PM)



This is one game where I have serious concerns on whether an AI is feasible..Shannon do you think maybe it's going to be a bridge to far;)? Or are you certain it can be done. If your certain it can be done I will hold off for the AI version.


You do realize that by my saying the AIO can't be done, you'll pay me money sooner rather than later?[:D]

This is sort of like a "Do you still beat your wife?" question.

wodin -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/17/2013 11:34:28 PM)

Understood:)...but I know your a genuine person, honest and upfront;)

The game is so huge and complex and with it being a grand strat game which are notorious for being difficult to program an AI that plays in a reasonable fashion throughout the whole war.

I will wait and see though.

pzgndr -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/18/2013 1:32:15 PM)


The game is so huge and complex and with it being a grand strat game which are notorious for being difficult to program an AI that plays in a reasonable fashion throughout the whole war.

So, how do you program a newbie human opponent to play such a huge and complex grand strat game in a reasonable fashion throughout the whole war??

Not to be too facetious, but really, the same basic decision-making that a human player uses can be programmed into an AI for a challenging computer opponent. There are some fundamental high-level grand strategy decisions that need to be made regarding diplomacy, research, and production. Then there are some fundamental theater-level strategic decisions that need to be made for offensive or defensive objectives. Then there are operational-level decisions to be made for force allocations to meet the objectives. And finally there are the tactical game mechanics decisions to be made to optimize movements and combats. Steve seems to understand all this and seems to have a good AI structure in place to do all this. It's doable. Perhaps more doable than trying to get good game out of some live opponents, who sometimes at best tend to make really stupid decisions that ruin a game or at worst try to cheat. They're out there...

Methinks the real reason some folks are so vocally against any AI at all for anybody is that they're scared to be beat by a lousy machine... [:D]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/18/2013 2:40:25 PM)

Hi guys,

The AI version is not our focus right now, so all that is really fair to say is that we don't plan to leave any customers of the current version behind. Finishing the AI for WIF is a big project, so it won't be a free upgrade but we will also try to keep it to a reasonable price for those who want to add in an AI. We expect anyone who wants to stay without AI to still get the bug fixes and such related to our AI work and to remain multiplayer compatible with folks who upgrade to the AI version in the future.


- Erik

bo -> RE: Patches after AI version release (10/18/2013 5:00:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Hi guys,

The AI version is not our focus right now, so all that is really fair to say is that we don't plan to leave any customers of the current version behind. Finishing the AI for WIF is a big project, so it won't be a free upgrade but we will also try to keep it to a reasonable price for those who want to add in an AI. We expect anyone who wants to stay without AI to still get the bug fixes and such related to our AI work and to remain multiplayer compatible with folks who upgrade to the AI version in the future.


- Erik



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