Development of zones (Full Version)

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Toro12 -> Development of zones (9/24/2013 8:12:44 PM)

So, one of the card options we have is to develop a zone. I checked the manual, and didn't see any mention of how this will help me. Any thoughts?

Twotribes -> RE: Development of zones (9/24/2013 8:38:33 PM)

Well right off the bat higher levels allow roads or if low enough to begin with trails. Not sure how the economics works so can't say if you get more of anything.

loki100 -> RE: Development of zones (9/24/2013 9:17:27 PM)

In the time frame of the game, I'm not sure of the value of some of these. Best way to see the decision cards is they are a tool to swap money/VP/NM for something you need more of - so select according to what you have enough of and what you need most.

Pocus -> RE: Development of zones (9/25/2013 8:51:51 AM)

Indeed, they can be used to allow in the end placing tracks and roads. In 1.01 (due out in a few days at most), we have slightly altered the 'development level slows down movements' formula so it is more straightforward: If the region is wild (25 or less dev points) then movement is slowed down by 20%. If the region is cleared (50 or less) then movement is slowed down by 10%.

And as you know, higher movement cost results also in more fatigue for the men. So it has its use, although that's not game changer. If this bother you, don't use the decisions.

Jim D Burns -> RE: Development of zones (9/25/2013 8:58:04 AM)

How much income does a single gold mine bring in Pocus, and does increasing development in its region increase what it brings in?


Ace1_slith -> RE: Development of zones (9/25/2013 10:15:00 AM)

You can see every structure icon by ctrl + left click on the town. By hovering with your mouse over structures, tooltip will appear with the structure production.
Values affecting base production:
region loyalty
national morale
blockade percentage (CSA only)

You can see region productions in the regions ledger. Just sort regions by clicking on the money icon.

Jim D Burns -> RE: Development of zones (9/25/2013 10:46:21 AM)

Awesome tip thank you. So after looking over the map suddenly I discover there is actually a very good reason to be doing some major industrialization events. Every kind of industry brings in at least 1 money per turn, some bring in 2. Looking at my current ledger options in Jan 1862, the Union can build a total of 69 factories for a cost of $3150 (it’s late so please forgive any math errors).

If we assume a little under half of the factories bring in 2 money per turn, we can figure a rough increase of $100 a turn to income. So it would take 32 turns or a little under a year and a half to pay it back and go into the black. So the sooner you play the industry options the more money you gain over the course of the game.

At a minimum you should play every single event that builds the types of factories that bring in 2 money per turn.

Edit: Of course if they take a year to build or something... hmm maybe its not as good as I first thought.


Jim D Burns -> RE: Development of zones (9/25/2013 11:03:32 AM)

double post deleted.

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