The Wargamer -> Inapropriate Place to Air This (1/18/2003 9:28:59 PM)
Since about a year, we've had delivered literally several thousand copies of Russo German War. I would estimate that, during this time, probably half a dozen copies got lost in the mail or we never received the order notice from our credit card processor. In each case we've either sent a complimentary follow up copy and ensured delivery or refunded the full purchase amount. Our purchase confirmation email to our customers clearly states what process should be followed and what information helps us identify an order to check its status (really just a reply to the confirmation is needed, but a phone call works fine also). If that document is deleted, it makes things a bit more difficult. The bottom line is, I have never received a complaint about your specific order or it would have been addressed promptly. There are about four emails that go out associated with each order to notify people involved in the process. Occassionally one gets lost --- email, while fairly reliable, is not perfect, and on occasion one never makes it to its destination. Additionally, particularly when we mail to outside the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, incidences of slow mail, customs hold ups, and non-delivery dramatically go up, and package delivery tracking is not possible or very difficult. The toll free telephone number at the bottom of our web page does work. It may not work for international orders, which is what yours appears to be. For internationl orders, writing us or emailing us is the best way, as the order confirmation states. Please email me at [email][/email] your full shipping address, name, and aproximate order date and credit card type (MC/Visa/Amex -- don't email the number!!) and I will look up your order and resolve the problem promptly. Please let me know if you would prefer a refund or a replacement copy shipped. You may also call my direct cell phone number at 919.961.0406 if you prefer to contact me that way. Regardless, taking your complaint to another software publisher's home page and airing it there, to me at least, appears highly inapropriate and utterly non-helpful to resolving the problem at hand. Please be assured that no deceit, lack of good will, or similar attribute was responsible and that we endeavor to ship our customers' produts as quickly and promptly as possible. P.S.: Schwerpunkt has no retail location, so driving there would most likely not yield you a copy. Ron Dockal, the president, is also a small operation that works on the gaming product part time and ships product himself based on orders from us and one or two other exclusive sources. Sincerely, Mario Kroll