incredibletwo -> RE: Turnaround Times (10/26/2013 12:36:17 PM)
Hi all!! My first post in the forum of what looks to be THE BEST naval warfare sim to date. This is the platform I've been waiting for! I'm a former Harpooner (haven't played for over 2 yeears though), but am going to switch over to Command due to the in-fighting and general discontent within the aforementioned "community". Anyway, back to the topic at hand. If I may be so bold, would be it be possible to include a player-adjustable setting whereby aircraft ready/turnaround times could be set at a fixed time for all aircraft, e.g. minimum 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 hr, etc? It could maybe be a slider, check boxes, radial buttons or whatnot, with the maximum setting at full-realism. I understand it's "gamey" and certainly detracts from the realism, however it would be up to the individual to use it or not. Maintenance times or random unavailability of aircraft should remain unaffected. Also, I think it should be available in "Game Settings" (or whichever term Command uses. I haven't purchased as yet [8D] so not sure of the terminology) rather than only from the scenario editor, say. I saw on another thread that aircraft logistics can be disabled to allow for "unlimited" ammo reloads, which is awesome, fun and the other feature I was hoping for. [sm=00000947.gif] The reason for my brash request is that I'm going to write a gargantuan scenario (think the ENTIRE WestPac, and which I started to write for Harpoon ANW) and having such a feature would kind of "speed things up". Also, I just love defending against saturation missile attacks, and trying to intercept the aircraft on ingress/egress. :) So, pretty please (with sugar on top) consider my humble request? [sm=bow.gif]