Gallo Rojo -> Re: T-34/76 types all the same winter icon... (4/23/2003 8:17:15 PM)
[QUOTE] Originally posted by HauptmannJake [B]Hi Gallo Rojo! This is a question I have been waiting for a while... the problem is that I did not have the necessary information on T-34s. I was not sure witch icon fits the best for different T-34s. I'm interested to fix this problem anyway. It would be very kind to have a proper picture/photo taken from the top/deck structure of a T-34m43! If someone knows where I could find this, please drop here a link! [/B] [/QUOTE] I'm trying to attach a picture of a T-34m43 (picture says T-34m43/42, but is the model we are talking about, it appears on late 1942 and was the major improvenment in T-34 tank since the begining of the war carrying the new hexagonal turret). [QUOTE] Originally posted by HauptmannJake [B]I have seen a T-34 with a (hexagonal turret?) whith two round hatches already. It was the green one I did not edit. I'm not sure if I edited it to a winter camo or not...I must check this! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] This is the T-34m43 tank by the sure. And it used to be painted white during winters [QUOTE]Originally posted by HauptmannJake [B]And the other types... you saying they're all okay?[/B] ][/QUOTE] Other types are OK, IMHO. All T-34/76 tanks where basically the same tank except for the turrets. Ammong them T-34m41 and 42 had the same turret (the one with the single big hatche), while T-34m43 had a new hexagonal turret (better armored mantelette and more confortable for the crew). There were diferent versions whithing the m41 & 42 large-single-hatche turrets and withing the hexagonal m43 turret (the so called "laminate", "softedge" and "hard-edge" versions .... there can be others but I don't remember) ... but those diferences are very small as to be apreciated in SP Icons. So it's OK for the game that T-43m41 and T-34m42 as well as T-34E-m41 have the same winter Icon. Only T-34m43 was different