Spwaw supplies ------------> here! (Full Version)

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HauptmannJake -> Spwaw supplies ------------> here! (1/17/2003 7:43:05 PM)

Welcome to Jake and Karsta's Steel Panthers Supply page! We have been working hard and finally succeeded in getting all things together. You'll find fine improved graphics and entertaining scenarios on the page.
There are new summer cammo icons but also (!) winter cammos for Soviet Union and Germany. Additionally, infantry icon sets have been redone. Winter icons can be first time tested in Karsta's scenario The Best Effort. Summer icons can be seen in both of my scenarios.

Something to experience:

Germany - Soviet Union
Waffen SS vs. Guards Tank Army
Meeting engagement

It's the summer of 1943. The operation Zitadelle is on its full swing. The calm sound of advancing red armour is strenghtening. Germans prepare to fight viciously. Your Panzers will be thrown into murderous close-range tank fighting. Close fighting range will possible result in tanks ramming each other, as we have seen it on these days. It has become clear to us that Soviets are not going to save their men and equipment. Soviet tanks may now use some new tricks. There are approx. 200 tanks involved into this huge but quickly developing tank fight. Each two tank section has its own waypoint so the AI will behave intelligently.

I don't know if this scenario went too long, however it's not historically accurate.
This scenario has been a real project, since it was under work for a year! :cool:
Remember to test other scenarios too!
Ready for an action? Here's the address:

[URL=http://www.netikka.net/karonen/jksps/]Jake and Karsta's Steel Panthers Supply[/URL] :cool: :D

M4Jess -> WOW!!! (1/17/2003 7:53:25 PM)

very very very cool!

great job guys!!!:D

M4 Jess~

wulfir -> (1/17/2003 9:37:48 PM)

Looking good!

Kiitos! :)

Redleg -> (1/17/2003 10:22:02 PM)

Thanks, guys! It was a good visit and I shall return! ;)

ThomasBELL123 -> Wooah (1/17/2003 11:57:09 PM)


Orzel Bialy -> Very Nice Work... (1/18/2003 2:23:53 AM)

Keep up the terrific job! :) I shall have to do some DLing today! ;)

BryanMelvin -> Re: Spwaw supplies ------------> here! (1/18/2003 10:31:40 AM)

Nice work HauptmannJake ;)

Keep it rolling:D

HauptmannJake -> Real supporting! (1/18/2003 4:33:36 PM)

Nice to hear there's so many of you to like it!

HJ :cool:

Supervisor -> (1/19/2003 9:26:37 AM)

Very nice look, pretty in game battle shots.

RockinHarry -> (1/26/2003 7:01:33 AM)

Nice to see someone developed the winter stuff a little further! :D ;) Good work guys!:)

M4Jess -> (2/17/2003 1:48:38 AM)


Its worth it!

RockinHarry -> (2/17/2003 7:27:21 PM)

Thanks for reminding Jess! Was looking for their page anyway and now I have the goodies funally!:)

HauptmannJake -> New unit graphics soon ready! (2/22/2003 8:06:05 PM)


Just a week and we'll have more graphics in our page!


Bing -> (2/23/2003 12:32:18 AM)

Downloaded the summer camos - if you lived where I do, this time of year you wouldn't care for more snow - in the accompanying text file I see a reference to "T-34 H2H".

What does this mean? Are the icons in some way tied to Panzer Leo's H2H?

If not, then what is the meaning of the reference?


HauptmannJake -> Well actually not... (2/23/2003 3:51:14 AM)

At the moment these icons aren't tied up with the H2H, but some of them will be included in future versions of H2H. The reference - If I use icon set as a base for my own editing and someone has already edited an icon or two in it, I don't want to steal someone's job and claim I did it. I don't want to give credits to myself!

HauptmannJake -> (2/23/2003 3:53:11 AM)

Snow is beautifull, btw.:)

Bing -> (2/23/2003 8:15:26 AM)

Depends how much snow you get. 160" per season is enough for anyone - looking at more snow on the computer screen isn't my idea of fun.

Thanks for filling us in on the icons. I"ll give them a try.


banditjim -> Well... time for install number three (2/24/2003 8:57:26 AM)

Pretty soon I will have to get a bigger second harddrive just for WAW and mods! I love it! Honey...do we need milk?

Karsta -> Site update (3/7/2003 9:04:42 PM)

Jake and Karsta's Steel Panthers Supply is finally updated.
Added few new cammo icons made by Jake.



KG Erwin -> Great job, guys! (3/8/2003 5:39:31 AM)

I want to add my appreciation of the new icons--I especially like the SS infantry's summer camo. Now--a technical question: if there a way to distinguish between regular Heer and SS infantry unit icons in game play, or must all infantry units be set to icon 0000 as the default?

HauptmannJake -> (3/14/2003 7:51:47 PM)

I have not tested this any time but I'm pretty sure you can't have two types of infantry graphics on the same (national) side at the same time. If anybody knows, drop us a note here!

WhiteRook -> Cooool (4/12/2003 11:36:13 AM)

Great work there guys! I have down loaded all your stuff and can not wait to have the time to play your scenarios! ;)

BryanMelvin -> Re: Cooool (4/14/2003 2:15:10 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by WhiteRook
[B]Great work there guys! I have down loaded all your stuff and can not wait to have the time to play your scenarios! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

Rook old man :D

We miss you on the Raider's Team!

How is Old Minn. ?? Snow?

Great to hear from you!

Gallo Rojo -> (4/14/2003 11:13:04 AM)

this may be a stupid question but ... how (and where) do I install those winter camo icons?
And how they work? I mean: I install them and then any time I play a battle in winter units that have winter cammo will apear? or I have to do something else or it is something only for scenarios design?

HauptmannJake -> (4/14/2003 4:34:52 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gallo Rojo
this may be a stupid question but ... how (and where) do I install those winter camo icons?
And how they work? I mean: I install them and then any time I play a battle in winter units that have winter cammo will apear? or I have to do something else or it is something only for scenarios design?
Gallo [/B][/QUOTE]
There are no stupid questions...
Just copy the files into SPWaW shp folder. They'll replace the normal ones and you'll have them in the game. They can be used for battles/scenarios or for scenario editing. If you want to restore the old graphics, then just copy the normal shp-files into some safe place at first. The summer/winter camo folders include the same files, so you can change between them...There's no easier a way this time...
all the best

Gallo Rojo -> (4/14/2003 5:59:41 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by HauptmannJake
[B]There are no stupid questions...
Just copy the files into SPWaW shp folder. They'll replace the normal ones and you'll have them in the game. They can be used for battles/scenarios or for scenario editing. If you want to restore the old graphics, then just copy the normal shp-files into some safe place at first. The summer/winter camo folders include the same files, so you can change between them...There's no easier a way this time...
all the best [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks you HauptmannJake! :)

Gallo Rojo -> T-34/76 all the same winter icon (4/21/2003 6:34:46 AM)

Hi guys!
I like very much playing winter battles so I'm really happy with these winter icons. They are a really great job :D

however ... I notice that all T-34/76 types have the same winter icon. This is not a problem for T-34m41, T-34m41E and T-34m42, which were almost the same tank except for internal features, up-armor or other minor changes ... but T-34m43 turret (the so called "mickey mouse") was pretty diferent. You know: it had a completely diferent hexagonal turret whith two round hatches instead of the single large one of the previous versions.

I wonder if there is any plan of making a specific winter icon for the T-34m43 :)


Gallo Rojo

HauptmannJake -> T-34/76 types all the same winter icon... (4/23/2003 12:56:08 PM)

Hi Gallo Rojo!

This is a question I have been waiting for a while... the problem is that I did not have the necessary information on T-34s. I was not sure witch icon fits the best for different T-34s. I'm interested to fix this problem anyway. It would be very kind to have a proper picture/photo taken from the top/deck structure of a T-34m43! If someone knows where I could find this, please drop here a link!

I have seen a T-34 with a (hexagonal turret?) whith two round hatches already. It was the green one I did not edit. I'm not sure if I edited it to a winter camo or not...I must check this! :eek:

And the other types... you saying they're all okay?

Thanks for the information!


Gallo Rojo -> Re: T-34/76 types all the same winter icon... (4/23/2003 8:17:15 PM)

[QUOTE] Originally posted by HauptmannJake
[B]Hi Gallo Rojo!

This is a question I have been waiting for a while... the problem is that I did not have the necessary information on T-34s. I was not sure witch icon fits the best for different T-34s. I'm interested to fix this problem anyway. It would be very kind to have a proper picture/photo taken from the top/deck structure of a T-34m43! If someone knows where I could find this, please drop here a link! [/B]

I'm trying to attach a picture of a T-34m43 (picture says T-34m43/42, but is the model we are talking about, it appears on late 1942 and was the major improvenment in T-34 tank since the begining of the war carrying the new hexagonal turret).

[QUOTE] Originally posted by HauptmannJake
[B]I have seen a T-34 with a (hexagonal turret?) whith two round hatches already. It was the green one I did not edit. I'm not sure if I edited it to a winter camo or not...I must check this! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE]

This is the T-34m43 tank by the sure. And it used to be painted white during winters

[QUOTE]Originally posted by HauptmannJake
[B]And the other types... you saying they're all okay?[/B]

Other types are OK, IMHO.
All T-34/76 tanks where basically the same tank except for the turrets.

Ammong them T-34m41 and 42 had the same turret (the one with the single big hatche), while T-34m43 had a new hexagonal turret (better armored mantelette and more confortable for the crew).
There were diferent versions whithing the m41 & 42 large-single-hatche turrets and withing the hexagonal m43 turret (the so called "laminate", "softedge" and "hard-edge" versions .... there can be others but I don't remember) ... but those diferences are very small as to be apreciated in SP Icons.

So it's OK for the game that T-43m41 and T-34m42 as well as T-34E-m41 have the same winter Icon.
Only T-34m43 was different

Gallo Rojo -> Re: Re: T-34/76 types all the same winter icon... (4/23/2003 8:21:50 PM)

and here is the T-34m41 with the only-hatche, that the same than T-34m42 ... in fact, although the picture says that is a T-34m41 this is IMHO a T-34m42, since the m41 hatche to access to the engine was rectangular ... while the engine hatche of the T-34m42 (and all following variants) was circular, as it is on the picture.

I hope that his helps!


Gallo Rojo

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