RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (Full Version)

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Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/10/2013 7:27:44 PM)

Could someone please enlighten me as to where the altitude performance parameters are placed?

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/10/2013 7:33:34 PM)


JeffK said:

"Very Interesting.

The altitude graph is based on data in about column 50, headings high1 to high14, my guess is they are 3000ft bands.

SWAG to allocate a manouvre rating by band.

Some interesting loadouts, odd things which need explaining, The Typhoon is armed with 8 x 60lb rockets, but there are 2 types. The weapon loaded is basically a bomb, the other unused weapon coded as a Rocket Projectile has a range which might allow a more survivable attack?

Might have a busy weekend!"

Here they are: Column BI26


K 19 -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 3:06:52 AM)

Good catch. [8D]

K 19 -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 3:38:29 AM)

By the way everyone, I re-uploaded two of my older mods today. If anyone is interested:

Enhanced Sounds v1.0

Map Names and Borders v1.02


cohimbra -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 6:26:40 AM)



By the way everyone, I re-uploaded two of my older mods today. If anyone is interested:

Enhanced Sounds v1.0

Map Names and Borders v1.02


Hi, the Map Names & Borders link doesn't work for me.

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 6:40:29 AM)

Probably the problem is that in the axis side you'll find about the same plane different data from different sources and books. Probably there will always someone that'll find something "wrong" in the database. I think that for the axis it's a need that each modder make a decission abou it. If it was me i probably would look from different sources and finally use the data that is generally accepted in most of those sources.
But what I would like is to know the changes that could be interesting in the allied side.
Apart from introducing new plane models, or changing a few weapons, I think that it should be inteserting for both sides the electronic devices (radars, countermeasures, etc). Probably any of you will know a lot about this subject and can suggest something about it... I always have found very confussing the electronics in the game, so it could be great to know how it works (or will work in a mod).

Anyway I'm playing the stock game and, with his pro and con, I find it very enjoyable, so I only want with a mod to find it even more enjoyable

K 19 -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 9:38:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: cohimbra



By the way everyone, I re-uploaded two of my older mods today. If anyone is interested:

Enhanced Sounds v1.0

Map Names and Borders v1.02


Hi, the Map Names & Borders link doesn't work for me.

Fixed. Sorry about that!

Wijter -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 4:47:42 PM)

One more Info on the He 219 A-5/R4 variant in the game
The He 219 A-5 was a proposed three-man Uhu design that only existed in prototype forms and was based on the A-2.
It was powered by a DB603E engine, and has a MG131 as defence armament facing TR.

Wijter -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 4:55:32 PM)

Some more ideas
- Ju 388 J Stoertebeker was powered by a BMW 801 TJ. This engine does use a Turbocharger is not in the database as a unique requirement for this nightfighter.
- TA 154A (better C as the A-1 uses a Jumo211). As it suffers from structural and not engine deficit, why not change the engine requirement from 4 to 2 and raise the number of required TA154 Parts.

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 6:25:41 PM)

Good ideas Wijter. I'll be looking over the db structure and see if its possible to implement brand new aircraf types. If so, the mod will brought to a higher level and it will be possible to bring to life a whole range of could-have-been designs not only the exotic (and very costly) jets currently available. If possible my intention is to implement all 190D types, perhaps a few more A versions and even Bf109 versions for those who want to explore that route. Naturally, I also aim to implement the whole Ta152 programme, possibly including night fighter versions. It all comes down to what is possible. I shall test that over the weekend.

Many great observations and suggestions have also been brought up here all of which I'll test and consider. That said, this will need playtesting eventually.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 8:06:21 PM)

When I scrolled down to the bottom of the aircraft tab, I saw all kinds of USN and IJN aircraft. What is that about? This would make for some very interesting additions, although given the game structure it may not be practical. I am not a software guru so I don't know. If adding a new aircraft will not upset the apple cart, I would really like to see the B17-B24s being upgraded to B-29s in the late stages of the game. Now bring on those freaking Ta-152s![X(] OK maybe not for the main game, but since the Jet44 is pretty much a what-if scenario, could it be done there? Another possible upgrade could be the Beaufighter to the Brigand.

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 8:16:30 PM)

That is a interesting idea which must be considered. The B29 would have been used in the ETO had the Luftwaffe been more successful. It would be interesting if B29 deployment could be triggered by significantly heavy B17 and/or B24 losses.

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 8:27:50 PM)

I'm not sure if it's doable only with the database or if it's impossible because of the software, but if it's possible to mod pacifIc planes, maybe it could be possible to mod the map with the japanese main, japanese cities and factories...
Won't that be interesting?

I also agree that b29s in europe is very interesting. Maybe also corsairs... In a human vs human maybe the allies can start to receive production in 45 in order to manually upgrade units, if this option is agreed between players. Just an idea.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 8:35:41 PM)


I'm not sure if it's doable only with the database or if it's impossible because of the software, but if it's possible to mod pacifIc planes, maybe it'll possible to mod the map with the japanese main, japanese cities and factories...
Won't that be interesting?

Oh that would be so very interesting. Creation of a whole new game. Pearl Harbour to Bombing the Homeland. Now we can get those 29s in to the game!

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 8:42:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: warshipbuilder


I'm not sure if it's doable only with the database or if it's impossible because of the software, but if it's possible to mod pacifIc planes, maybe it'll possible to mod the map with the japanese main, japanese cities and factories...
Won't that be interesting?

Oh that would be so very interesting. Creation of a whole new game. Pearl Harbour to Bombing the Homeland. Now we can get those 29s in to the game!

Well, in fact I think that only the Main Japanese Islands bombing campaign could be represented in the engine, if it is possible because of the engine limitations...

warshipbuilder -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 9:39:19 PM)


That is a interesting idea which must be considered. The B29 would have been used in the ETO had the Luftwaffe been more successful. It would be interesting if B29 deployment could be triggered by significantly heavy B17 and/or B24 losses.

I wonder if this could be applied to heavy Lanc and Hallie losses to the NJG, they upgrade to the Lincoln.

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 9:50:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: warshipbuilder
I wonder if this could be applied to heavy Lanc and Hallie losses to the NJG, they upgrade to the Lincoln.

Maybe, I hope that is possible but likely not without access to the source code.

Anyway... happiness is to discover that any a/c type can be added to the weapons database... [image][/image] and how to do it! [image][/image]

JeffroK -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 10:32:57 PM)

Adding anew aircraft is easy, and you just set an earlier type to upgrade to it.

I hope we are not going to get a series of dream scenarios, looking at the database the game already has a number of errors, possibly to make the game more interesting to the LFB. I would have imagined the challenge was to be better than real life using the same weapons, not some "wunderweapon" on one side only.

Thoughts for consideration:
Centreline weapons, in WITPAE they have an improved accuracy to represent them not being on wings which stress in combat, AE has a 100% increase, maybe 50% as a first step. This would give some of the poorly armed Axis aircraft a bit more bite.

There is no 30cal in the game, I copied mine from the .303 Browning.

Mosquito BIV is armed with 60lb Incendiaries, shouldnt these have 500lb HE, but you cant choose yor bombload[&:]

Hurricane IV 60lb rockets are actually bombs, device needs to change. Why dont other Allied FB carry 60lb/5 inch rockets?

As a scenario option, I would like to see a 1941 BTR scenario and a 1942 BTR scenario starting at the first 8th AF Raid.

Something that needs investigation, but more understanding of the engine would help, have the stats of Lufwaffe aircraft been given a boost. The Me109G-6 looks superior to the Spitfire FIX, I doubt this should be true. Its not unusual in these databases that aircraft stats such as speed & manouverability & durability & gun strengths get boosted by pilot experience and morale plus RADAR advantages plus "bounce" bonuses etc to a point where historically superior aircraft get hobbled. Its part of why it takes so long to develop these games.

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/11/2013 10:52:40 PM)

The wonderweapons you are speaking of are already in the game. The weapons database only show base maneuverability value this value has a altitude modifier not shown.

The scenarios would be very interesting, but also require A LOT of work.

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 12:04:56 AM)

I have a question about the FW190A models. It is my understanding that most A models were delivered with outboard MG151/20 cannons from the factory. There may have been exceptions, do anyone know of any? In the field, crews sometimes removed the outboard cannons in order to save weight and gain some maneuverability, most likely on their pilot's initiative. Was there ever any official designation for this configuration with the outboard cannons removed???

If I can get the official designation of the 'light' gun package on the Anton, I'll add it as a sub-variant to (at least some of) the existing types. Other than that I'm planning to add the A-7 and A-9 to the family. For the Dora, the D-11, 12 & 13 are definitely going in with a maybe for the D-14 & 15 (which were powered by DB603s). We'll see, but these tools open up for a lot of possibilities.

My additions are being built upon the work of K19s excellent low-level bomber conversions for the Allies, with his permission.


npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 12:28:43 AM)

A map of Osaka, with all the factories there... From


K 19 -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 1:12:58 AM)

Wow. This thread is really moving along with some great ideas.

For the record- it is possible to add completely new aircraft, weapons, and parts. I've already successfully done it.

Basically, the possibilities are almost endless. [8D]

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 1:36:31 AM)

There are still bugs in the engine that needs to be worked out. Can't be done without access to the source code. Now I can't do anything about that, in the meantime I'm adding flavor to the game. Would like to hear from allied players about fighters, already heard the Corsair brought up. I was under the impression that it did see action in the ETO albeit in smaller numbers. Also to put the pressure on could be nice to push up a later Mustang or something into mid-late '44.

Keep in mind all changes need playtesting for balance. More a/c types into the German planeset means more options, not more plane types available. One still will have to pick strategy carefully and plan accordingly to make the chosen aircraft types available. At least its my intention to make it so..

warshipbuilder -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 3:10:05 AM)

Allied fighter additions RAF

DH Hornet upgrade for Mosquito
Bristol Brigand upgrade for Beaufighter

DH Vampire ok a bit of a stretch

Spitfire XVI, 22, 24

Tempest VI

Tempest II for npsergio's Bombing the Homeland mod [:)] You are definitely going to want the Brigand and Hornet for that.

JeffroK -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 6:35:10 AM)

The Corsair saw very limited action off Norway with the FAA, the Hellcat also fought off Norway and in support of the Dragoon landings where the are were credited with a few victories.

JeffroK -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 6:37:49 AM)

As much as upgrading aircraft, I also like downgrading the available aircraft.

What if the P51's all went to the Pacific, or no drop tanks, or no FW types.

Take out the German RADAR and see what happens!!

Turner -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 9:13:13 AM)

About engine requirements and fuel consumption. There are two different engine parameters in aircraft types, one is related to fuel consumption in the 'aircrafts' tab, the other is related to engines required to complete the aircraft at assembly and located in the 'devices' tab.

Just thought I'd bring attention to that since it was discussed earlier.

cohimbra -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 9:24:31 AM)

Only one minor answer: there's a way to change the 'incenidary bomb' to 'incendiary bomb'?[:D]

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 9:28:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: warshipbuilder

Tempest II for npsergio's Bombing the Homeland mod [:)] You are definitely going to want the Brigand and Hornet for that.

he, he, he... If I only had time for it... I'm sorry but I donīt have te resources nor the knowledge to do it. Before yesterday the only that I knew about the air campaign in Japan was that it happened [8|]

But I looked at the database yesterday an I think that it's possible to do it. You only need:

- Japan map, and the US bases (Marianas, Iwo, etc)
- OOBs
- Run the game with the Japan map and take notes of the coordinates (does this word ever existed??) of the bases, factories and cities
- Introduce the planes, devices, weapons, bases and objectives, replacements, pilots (japanese also), production... into the database

...and share it with me! [:D]

npsergio -> RE: Anyone have any database mod requests? (10/12/2013 9:29:39 AM)

duplicated post, sorry

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