Mercury 7 Scott Carpenter passes. (Full Version)

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n01487477 -> Mercury 7 Scott Carpenter passes. (10/11/2013 1:37:27 AM)

Second American to orbit the planet(May,'62) has passed away.

Makes me think again of the long time that has passed since we were on the cusp of a space revolution and how far we've fallen since then.


  • His piloting of Friendship7 when the re-entry package failed is still considered as one of the finest moments in the Mercury program.
  • Only John Glen remains from the Mercury program.

  • czert2 -> RE: Mercury 7 Scott Carpenter passes. (10/11/2013 2:35:16 AM)

    Yeah, instead of suporting and creating civil wars in africa/middle east we should focus more os space program again. Lets do more missions to moon and ultimately mars.

    wolf14455 -> RE: Mercury 7 Scott Carpenter passes. (10/11/2013 4:03:26 AM)

    May he rest in peace but never to hope that space programs will rest in peace. Carpenter will not be forgotten.

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