TheWombat_matrixforum -> RE: Problems with Sudden Death trigger (10/16/2013 1:32:51 AM)
ORIGINAL: Mad Russian You need percentage results for tournament play. I would say that there is very little chance that the game would go to a simply win or lose format. Good Hunting. MR So, what you're saying then is that the "win/loss" result isn't really the win/loss result. That we should be looking, instead, at the percentage of victory points we're getting? Or the percentage of the enemy we destroyed? Or the percentage of our own forces remaining? It's all clear as mud. To me, it's a very simple issue. The player should never be penalized for success. Never. So, if I rout the enemy and he runs away before I have a chance to kill him, I should still get all of the points, because dollars to donuts if he DID rout, I'd take those places anyhow--either as he left them, or over his smoking corpses (shot in the back as they ran, no doubt). Either way, I win. What we have now is a chance--not a guarantee, and most games it works out "ok"--that you can hit the enemy so hard, so skillfully, that they'll break before you can occupy enough hexes to win. That is simply not good game design. I'd go as far as to say it's frankly bad game design--at least, the way it's working. If you really think the benefit that you get from having this sort of variability outweighs in effect screwing over players who are actually playing the game well, then we have a real difference of philosophy I guess. Because I have yet to hear a single, coherent argument for the system as it stands now. I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I really, really respect the work that went into this game, and the people who made it, but this discussion right now has become utterly non-nonsensical. You guys don't have a leg to stand on logically--at least, as it's been explained here. Maybe I'm missing something totally, it's possible, but really, the whole sudden death implementation is as misbegotten as they come, conceptually.