Kentucky? (Full Version)

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Toro12 -> Kentucky? (10/13/2013 4:14:53 AM)

Playing Union, in 1861 I received the KY option but didn't choose it (I usually find the South does opt to invade). This time the South did NOT invade, and so KY remains closed. If neither side chooses to enter KY, does the option come around again, or does something else kick in? Or, am I to assume KY will be closed to entry for the entire game?

Ace1_slith -> RE: Kentucky? (10/14/2013 10:48:43 AM)

It is a registered bug, in Jan 62 a new set of cheaper options to invade appears if you have started the game with RC4 patch. If you started the game with RC4, select the option to invade KY after that for the best game experience.

We have received only beta patches for now.

We can hope it will be fixed for upcoming official patch so that Ky will eventually enter the game if no one chooses the option for a longer period of time.

Pocus -> RE: Kentucky? (10/14/2013 3:02:37 PM)

Yes this one has made it into the official patch sent to the QA team at Matrix [:)]

Toro12 -> RE: Kentucky? (10/14/2013 5:07:03 PM)

Excellent. Thx.

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