RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (Full Version)

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RUNNING POLL - gameplay features [Feature Requests Go Here]

Downed pilots / CSAR (without using the EE)
  13% (72)
Improve weather modelling (local fronts etc.)
  12% (66)
Dedicated sensor page on DB viewer
  3% (21)
Intermittent sensor settings
  5% (28)
TOT planner/Advance Strike Planner
  29% (155)
Display weapon firing arcs in DB viewer
  1% (7)
Custom draw on map
  3% (16)
Additional contact info for passive sonar contacts
  1% (6)
Ability to group ref points
  0% (2)
Ability to name grouped ref points
  1% (6)
Sprint and drift while on mission
  1% (6)
Order weapons with active datalinks to self destruct
  0% (1)
1/3rd rule option for strike missions
  0% (1)
Multiple map windows
  2% (12)
  4% (26)
Real-time MP
  9% (48)
Mid-flight mechanical breakdowns on aircraft
  0% (1)
Expand space ops (Shuttle / Skylab, armed sats etc.)
  1% (8)
Sunrise/sunset/nautical twilight calculator
  0% (1)
Option to enable a message when a vehicle reaches a specific waypoint
  0% (3)
Ability to change color of grouped refpoints and shaded patrol areas
  0% (3)
Aircraft Maintenence and Support Crew Modeling
  1% (10)
Player's Alarm Clock
  0% (1)
Collateral Damage Zone (CDZ)
  0% (2)
Unit proficiency affects adherence to ToT
  0% (0)
Optional "Beginner" GUI
  1% (6)
Make sonobuys and refpoints unselectable when invisible
  0% (0)
Ability to deactivate (destruct) sonobuoys
  0% (0)
Use "Areas" or "Routes" to simplify refpoint management
  0% (2)
Display unit thumbnail image right next to unit icon
  0% (0)
Customizeable soundslot per unit-type (hear a sound when select a unit
  0% (0)
Display time at current rate to charge SSK batteries to full
  0% (0)
Lag in obtaining info from non-realtime intel/recon assets
  0% (3)
Hotkey to change sonobuoy visibility
  0% (0)
Attack a Reference Point
  0% (4)
Show unit weapons list (nominal) for identified contacts
  0% (0)
Reverse targeting vectors (show who is targeting selected contact)
  0% (3)
Helo in-flight refuelling (from ships)
  0% (3)
Apply the 1/3 rule to Ferry Flight missions
  0% (1)
Extra filter on DB-viewer for platform sub-type
  0% (0)
Refuel Option: Set amount of fuel to take on
  0% (3)
Ability to resize icons so big icons in small countries don't overlap.
  0% (0)
Message Log option to hide messages that break fog of war.
  0% (0)
Hover (RAST) refueling for helicopters
  0% (2)
Filtering and search added to add cargo dialog
  0% (0)
Ship Towing
  0% (4)

Total Votes : 533
(last vote on : 2/3/2022 4:12:52 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


Dandywalken -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (7/24/2014 1:14:14 AM)

Cast my vote for the Aircraft Limitations/Agility one :)

djoos5 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/2/2014 7:08:17 AM)

If I can add to this request post... here is my suggestion for a future event/trigger/action:

Action: Activate NO NAV-ZONE

It would allow us to create a NO NAV ZONE that only activates on the condition set by a trigger. I thought of this as I design my new scenario - there are three bridges crossing the Oda River and if the Player can destroy them, or one of them, it would be the trigger that would activate the NO NAV ZONE at that bridge. By doing this, the tank units trying to get to the bridge to cross would be stuck on the opposite side.

Not sure if that is an easy action to add, but if it is, it would allow for some cool results of bombing runs.


Vark -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/8/2014 11:39:00 PM)

How about some improvements to torpedoes?
3 items in particular I can think of:
1- Wires that can be cut/damaged for a variety of reasons (i.e. turning 180 would certainly cut your wires).
2- Once the wires are cut, a torp is hot, i.e. if it sees your sub it will track and kill you if you're not careful.
3- Search patterns for torps. Clockwise, counterclockwise, snake, etc...

hellfish6 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/9/2014 6:53:51 PM)

Feature requests for future consideration:

Waypoint radius: allows mission maker to add some structured variability to transiting units. Click a waypoint in the editor, and give it a placement radius of X, where the actual waypoint will be placed in a randomized area around X nm/km of the original placement upon mission start.

Unit SOPs: I'm specifically thinking about diesel electric submarines here, but it could probably be adapted to other units. Like the ROE/EMCON settings, lets players tweak how their units operate. Designed primarily to regulate AI opponents and units on missions to make them a little less inept and reliant on micromanagement. For example, SOP selections for an SS/SSK might be:

Creep/cruise while snorkeling
Snorkel/surface during battery recharge
Recharge battery at X %
Avoid contact yes/no
Submerge on ESM detection
Prioritize civilian/merchant/destroyer/cruiser/carrier target

Vark -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/17/2014 7:55:39 PM)

Here's a UI feature I just thought of - Being able to hotkey camera settings. I.E. ctl/alt/shf 1 - 0 would be ten dynamic hotkeys that can save and recall camera presets. Things like altitude/lat/lon/following unit.

Rudd -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/17/2014 8:53:24 PM)



Here's a UI feature I just thought of - Being able to hotkey camera settings. I.E. ctl/alt/shf 1 - 0 would be ten dynamic hotkeys that can save and recall camera presets. Things like altitude/lat/lon/following unit.

This may be what you're looking for

• New major UI feature: Quick-jump slots. This allows the player to quickly & easily jump between locations/views of the battlefield without map zoom/pan delays.

How they work:

To store a slot: Select a unit/contact. Press Ctrl+[num], where [num] = 1…0 . The unit selection & camera altitude are now stored on slot No.[num] (and persisted per-side).
To jump to a saved slot: Simply press [num]. If a slot with that index exists, the camera will move to the marked unit location & altitude.
If you are using tracking-camera when saving a slot, this setting is also saved and enforced the next time you jump to this slot.


mikmykWS -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/17/2014 9:16:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: djoos5

If I can add to this request post... here is my suggestion for a future event/trigger/action:

Action: Activate NO NAV-ZONE

It would allow us to create a NO NAV ZONE that only activates on the condition set by a trigger. I thought of this as I design my new scenario - there are three bridges crossing the Oda River and if the Player can destroy them, or one of them, it would be the trigger that would activate the NO NAV ZONE at that bridge. By doing this, the tank units trying to get to the bridge to cross would be stuck on the opposite side.

Not sure if that is an easy action to add, but if it is, it would allow for some cool results of bombing runs.

Added this to our master list.

mikmykWS -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/17/2014 9:18:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: hellfish6

Feature requests for future consideration:

Waypoint radius: allows mission maker to add some structured variability to transiting units. Click a waypoint in the editor, and give it a placement radius of X, where the actual waypoint will be placed in a randomized area around X nm/km of the original placement upon mission start.

Unit SOPs: I'm specifically thinking about diesel electric submarines here, but it could probably be adapted to other units. Like the ROE/EMCON settings, lets players tweak how their units operate. Designed primarily to regulate AI opponents and units on missions to make them a little less inept and reliant on micromanagement. For example, SOP selections for an SS/SSK might be:

Creep/cruise while snorkeling
Snorkel/surface during battery recharge
Recharge battery at X %
Avoid contact yes/no
Submerge on ESM detection
Prioritize civilian/merchant/destroyer/cruiser/carrier target

Added to our master list as Diesel sub AI ideas.


ETF -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/18/2014 1:04:42 AM)



i would love to see real time co`op play.....


RobsenK -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/18/2014 3:15:23 PM)

An additional option in Missioneditor for (initial) deployment of units to patrol areas and support routes:

"split for max coverage"

For example, this would help in ASW-missions to ensure that the designated patrol area is under control regarding area coverage.
For support missions, like EW/OECM or air refueling one can prevent ACs from crowding at one point along the designated path.
This would be particularly useful for providing jammers in a broad front.

It is already possible to achieve this behaviour by setting up multiple adjoint mission-areas/paths, but the suggested option would ease the handling imo.

Dide -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/21/2014 11:39:05 AM)

I would love the opportunity to have mechanical breakdowns to the Aircraft: two Tornado fly up to bomb two stations SAM, one of the two mid-term accuses a problem with the engines and must return to base. It would be an unexpected change in scenery. (You could do by forcing the RTB command.) It 'just an idea.[;)]
Thank you.

Randomizer -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/21/2014 6:21:29 PM)

Could we please have an event Action to modify ROE's or at the very least, trigger Nuclear Release. Apologies if already on the List in which case treat as a gentle "bump".



woos1981 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/23/2014 3:34:21 PM)

Hello,Is it possible to add a new unit in game, such as frogmen etc,Do some special tasks underwater , thanks![:)]

scottb613 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (8/24/2014 6:07:37 PM)

Hi Folks,

Not sure if it's been mentioned. - but - one thing I find a real pain is that when using the database viewer - you need to close the previous record window before a new one will open... I would REALLY like to see subsequent database hotlink clicks open in the very same database window that is already open...

Thanks for listening...


hellfish6 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (9/28/2014 5:50:41 PM)

Random ideas humbly submitted for consideration:

Allow a way to "paint" terrain on the map. The way I envision it, it'd essentially be like creating an exclusion zone, where you designate an area of the map with reference points to be a certain kind of terrain. The idea is to create layers that making facilities and units more difficult to find. I don't think it needs to be super detailed, but maybe a handful of terrain types. Default, which we have now and wouldn't require any effort to "paint", would be "open". This is generally open grass or dirt or sand. Then you might have "light forest", for scattered pockets of trees to simulate rural areas or savanna and in general be easier for ground units to hide in, but only marginally so for spotters with FLIR or radar. Another terrain type could be "dense forest" to represent jungles or deep woods where the canopy is especially difficult to see through, but maybe a little less so for synthetic aperture radars or FLIRs (or you get more 'unknown contacts' vice positive IDs. The third type would be "urban" to represent dense cities, and be generally very difficult to spot infantry-type units or positively ID buildings and vehicles.

In general, I think the terrain feature would be used for small objective areas - no need to paint whole continents, but just enough to make it a little tougher for small areas that you're conducting operations in.

Give helicopters a different throttle and altitude menu. Right now, helicopters are considered to be no different from fixed wing aircraft and, as such, default to the highest altitude they can fly at. Having spent a considerable amount of time in and around helicopters, I've never been in one that flew much more that 2000 feet AGL, nevermind the 12,000 feet they fly at in Command. Would it be possible to give helicopters altitude presets that are a little more realistic - like gradations between 2000 feet and min altitude? Maybe like minimum (20 feet-ish), 100 feet, 200 feet, 500 feet? Of course, you can manually set the altitude to max/12000 feet, but the AI-controlled missions would now operate at much more realistic altitudes.

VFA41_Lion -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (10/1/2014 2:39:24 AM)

I'm hoping this is a database feature easily implemented by the devs: it'd be helpful, especially for more modern scenarios, to know what radar band the radars/sams are operating in in their DB page. :3

Feltan -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (10/1/2014 2:50:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: hellfish6

Random ideas humbly submitted for consideration:

Allow a way to "paint" terrain on the map. The way I envision it, it'd essentially be like creating an exclusion zone, where you designate an area of the map with reference points to be a certain kind of terrain. The idea is to create layers that making facilities and units more difficult to find. I don't think it needs to be super detailed, but maybe a handful of terrain types. Default, which we have now and wouldn't require any effort to "paint", would be "open". This is generally open grass or dirt or sand. Then you might have "light forest", for scattered pockets of trees to simulate rural areas or savanna and in general be easier for ground units to hide in, but only marginally so for spotters with FLIR or radar. Another terrain type could be "dense forest" to represent jungles or deep woods where the canopy is especially difficult to see through, but maybe a little less so for synthetic aperture radars or FLIRs (or you get more 'unknown contacts' vice positive IDs. The third type would be "urban" to represent dense cities, and be generally very difficult to spot infantry-type units or positively ID buildings and vehicles.

In general, I think the terrain feature would be used for small objective areas - no need to paint whole continents, but just enough to make it a little tougher for small areas that you're conducting operations in.

Give helicopters a different throttle and altitude menu. Right now, helicopters are considered to be no different from fixed wing aircraft and, as such, default to the highest altitude they can fly at. Having spent a considerable amount of time in and around helicopters, I've never been in one that flew much more that 2000 feet AGL, nevermind the 12,000 feet they fly at in Command. Would it be possible to give helicopters altitude presets that are a little more realistic - like gradations between 2000 feet and min altitude? Maybe like minimum (20 feet-ish), 100 feet, 200 feet, 500 feet? Of course, you can manually set the altitude to max/12000 feet, but the AI-controlled missions would now operate at much more realistic altitudes.

I concur with hellfish's comment. The only rotary wing that would be at 12K is an AEW bird trying to see over the horizon with radar.

I suspect most other military helicopters would be 1000 ft. AGL or less as a default.


tommo8993 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (10/19/2014 7:01:40 PM)

SAR would be a good feature. Would make many scenarios more interesting also would be a good way to win a few points back

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (10/28/2014 8:46:14 PM)

Removed "Refine ready-times" (you'll see some drastic improvements on this on the next public release). If you voted for this you can re-vote now.

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (10/30/2014 7:46:26 PM)

Removed ""Investigate" command (order intercept without marking hostile)" as it can be accomplished with a combination of the standard attack command and the "Hold fire" parameter. If you voted for this you can vote again.

Dimitris -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/1/2014 4:05:54 PM)

Removed "Per-unit proficiency level" as this has been added in Build 586. If you voted for this you vote again.

ChezDaJez -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/1/2014 10:00:29 PM)

How about geometric sonobuoy patterns like those use by P-3's, Nimrod and other airborne ASW assets. The current "Sherwin Williams" tactic of painting the ocean in sonobuoys is a huge waste of ordnance and computer resources.

The player should be able to specify the type of pattern and orientation desired. For example, a player could tell the aircraft to lay 16 sonobuoys oriented SW starting at a point selected on the map. The spacing would be based upon the predicted detection range (or player definable). Some suggested patterns would be a circle, line, double line, sawtooth or box. A line barrier pattern is a must for chokepoints.

hellfish6 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/1/2014 11:05:04 PM)

In relation to the aircraft damage option, any chance that there may ever be damage/deadlined aircraft without requiring combat damage? I'm thinking of something like you pick an aircraft to launch and as they're maneuvering it on deck, something breaks, delaying launch for x hours. Or upon landing, a tire is blown and the aircraft isn't destroyed, but is inoperable from that point on. Small stuff like that, optional of course.

Dutchie999 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/2/2014 12:57:07 PM)

May I request two new features for the next version of C:MANO?
1) the ability to group aircraft in the mission editor. So that the computer side has a realistic CAP not of 1 aircraft but consisting of 2 or more airplanes.
2) the ability to control the aircraft's altitude for their mission in the mission editor. Once again as a human player you can easily adjust this but for the IA side this will create more realistic and interesting strike or CAP missions.

And I would also like to report a bug. In the mission editor airplanes assigned to a mission don't react if you change mission speed.

Marder -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/2/2014 6:06:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dutchie999

May I request two new features for the next version of C:MANO?
1) the ability to group aircraft in the mission editor. So that the computer side has a realistic CAP not of 1 aircraft but consisting of 2 or more airplanes.
2) the ability to control the aircraft's altitude for their mission in the mission editor. Once again as a human player you can easily adjust this but for the IA side this will create more realistic and interesting strike or CAP missions.

And I would also like to report a bug. In the mission editor airplanes assigned to a mission don't react if you change mission speed.


Staneth -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/3/2014 6:38:35 AM)

I have a couple suggestions for UI changes.

1) Enhance the "Detach Unit(s) from Group" command so it functions on groups and not just individual units. The new functionality would completely dissolve the group into single units. This would save having to switch to unit view and detaching each unit one by one.

2) Display somewhere on the unit info panel on the right side the current state of "Ignore plotted course when attacking" and "Hold fire" for that unit. Ideally I would like checkboxes similar to the Speed and Altitude manual overrides so they could also be controlled from the info panel. This would save having to open the Unit Orders->Attack Options menu for each unit to check the current setting.

3) Add the ability for the player to define the default settings for each mission type in the mission editor. I'm thinking the simplest option from a UI perspective would be to add a button in the mission editor to save the current settings as the default for the currently selected mission type. For example, for the ASW Patrol mission I have four different mission and EMCON settings that I almost always change from the default. Especially when creating multiple missions that repetitive clicking can add up.


Tomcat84 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/3/2014 10:41:10 AM)


1) Enhance the "Detach Unit(s) from Group" command so it functions on groups and not just individual units. The new functionality would completely dissolve the group into single units. This would save having to switch to unit view and detaching each unit one by one.

If playing in the scenario editor, selecting a group and hitting the delete key once dissolves the group. Perhaps this functionality can be added to the normal playing mode? (as long as it doesn't work on AI groups haha)

Mgellis -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/5/2014 12:15:30 AM)

An idea for a new gameplay feature (which may require some additions to the databases)...

Space operations

* Depending on the era, it should be possible to employ anti-satellite weapons to eliminate satellites. Among others, I believe the SM-3 missile is capable of taking out satellites in low orbit.

* Possibly add the Space Shuttle and Skylab to the databases as "satellites" that could be used to spot things

* Make it possible for the space shuttle (and possibly other vessels in orbit like the X-20 Dyna-Soar) to launch anti-satellite weapons and/or carry lasers. Naturally, some satellites might themselves be anti-satellite weapons. The first phase of a scenario might begin with a couple of critical satellites blinking out just when the data they were providing was needed...

I'm sure there are other things that could be done with satellites in Command, but I can't think of them at the moment.

Anyway, it was just a thought. Comments? Suggestions?

hellfish6 -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/11/2014 5:37:05 AM)

An out there, long term request: a Quick Battle Generator. Something that'll build a quick scenario to shoot stuff (preventing me from getting carried away in the scenario editor, losing hours upon hours playing around). I don't even necessarily need player-selected parameters - give me 2-3 units against 2-3 opposing units and let me see what I can do with it.

lowchi -> RE: RUNNING POLL - gameplay features (11/11/2014 6:07:40 AM)



* Depending on the era, it should be possible to employ anti-satellite weapons to eliminate satellites. Among others, I believe the SM-3 missile is capable of taking out satellites in low orbit.

the ability to deploy asat´s against sattelites is already ingame. i think baloogan also made a Video about it.

Did a testrun a little while ago, i tried the sm-3 against one, didnt work, but maybe the sattelites Orbit was too high

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