Baskaatje -> Problems in scenario editor (10/20/2013 11:21:49 AM)
I am building an Atlantic convoy scenario and seem to be running into a number of problems: 1. Setup of stations with relative bearing: I've placed all ships on station at a relative bearing to the lead ship. After saving and later reopening the scenario, some of the ships have their stations moved. Not all, just 5 or 6 of the 40+ convoy and escorts. Is it a bug or has it something to do with the sort of ships I am using in building this scenario? 2. For the lead ship in the convoy I want to use a certain ship at a certain position in the convoy, but after saving and reopening the scenario, the editor has picked another ship as lead. A bug or can it be that the game evaluates the other ship as a more high value unit and thus more worthy of being the lead in the formation? 3. In the convoy I have placed two AO ships (USN AO 22 Cimarron Class) as there were two AO's in the convoy. After steaming for a couple of hours, they have exhausted their fuel supplies and come to a full stop and are left behind while the convoy plods on. Can it be that they automatically resupply the whole convoy and thus have their own fuel exhausted after an hour or so? It didn't matter if I used A 130 Ranger Class RN AO's or the USN AO's. Save game it added.