RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (Full Version)

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CapnDarwin -> RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (10/31/2013 5:03:37 PM)

Sunburn, I just wish I had not broke the Helo hints. They will be fixed in 2.02.

Krupinski -> RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (11/5/2013 10:31:47 AM)

Dear Capn Darwin,

the community has build a large wishlist. How many points of it will be implemented in the 2.02 update?

Cheers - Hafer

CapnDarwin -> RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (11/5/2013 10:50:25 AM)

hafer, 2.02 is highly focused on a number of game play related bugs. Rob is sending me a list to review today and I can post on the high points of that list and highlight any player based enhancements. 2.03 will be focused on knocking out a few issues with PBEM++ and should also grab a few minor enhancements from the list as well. It will also be easier for us to know what goes when once we have a more cohesive plan for future efforts. We are in the process of doing that now as well. [8D]

Krupinski -> RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (11/5/2013 2:50:50 PM)

Ok, thanx for the info. [:)]

Maybe you can do an official poll on this?

Cheers - hafer

CapnDarwin -> RE: Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Update v2.01 Available (11/7/2013 1:04:24 AM)

A poll may be possible in the future once we have an idea of the major roadmap to the follow on expansions. There are a number of feature packages we are building up based on what we already had planned and also from the inputs from everyone here. When we hit a spot where we have a this or that branch we can look at a poll.

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