Order Of Battle Pacific (Full Version)

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junk2drive -> Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 2:17:39 AM)

New game for Slith/Matrix. Not much news yet.


Curious about the scale as Corp.

GaryChildress -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 2:39:52 AM)

The name is enticing also, will it feature detailed orders of battle for each side? Or will it be more like Strategic Commander or something?

Greyshaft -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 3:42:30 AM)

No picture ... no specs ... no forum posts ... no nothing
This was announced way too early.

Challerain -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 4:02:02 AM)

Was it officially announced? Someone found the product page that but I don't see an official announcement yet.

Greyshaft -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 4:05:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Challerain

Was it officially announced? Someone found the product page that but I don't see an official announcement yet.

and the difference between the two is ...

Challerain -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 4:15:18 AM)

You said it was announced too early. It hasn't been announced yet so maybe that is why there are no screenshots, specs, and forum posts.

VPaulus -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 12:31:41 PM)

It will be probably announced during the Essen fair.

Max 86 -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 2:56:53 PM)

Oh yeah!

Though curious about this statement from the product page, "A deep but intuitive supply system allowing breakthroughs & encirclements."

That sounds more like an east front statement not a pacific island kinda statement. Regardless, multiple huzzahs from me for any new naval game.

Max 86 -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 3:00:26 PM)

If you follow the link here to the product page and then click tolink to the developer's website, there is a product page link that takes you to Slitherine's page that includes this statement, "Order of Battle: Pacific is the first title in a new series of hexagonal strategy games developed by The Artistocrats (www.the-artistocrats.com), designed to cover military history from ancients to modern warfare. The Artistocrats was founded by members of the team who created Panzer Corps."

Another positive as far as I am concerned.[:)]

Numdydar -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 4:58:25 PM)

Well considering the land war in the Pacific was not a major factor in the Allies winning, I do not feel that this is a good idea. Especially if the PC model is followed.

Having ground battles determine the fate of the Pacific war like PC does in the ETO is not anything that would interest me. Now if they did a PC type game with CV's and land based air versus just ground troops, with a few ships added like in the PC Sealion/Crete scenerios, then that may be of more interest. Plus allow ship only combats.

Otherwise I will just stick with WitP AE as that does a pretty awesome job of filling my PTO needs atm [:)]

Agathosdaimon -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 5:24:40 PM)

actually it sounds like it will include naval combat also and the air war. i hope it is done with some degree of historical accuracy . keen to see screen shots

rodney727 -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 5:26:59 PM)

I agree! It sounds really good tho. For iPad got my attention right away. I hope it's not one of these PC games they develop and then realize it's just to much work to convert to tablet form.

ORIGINAL: Greyshaft

No picture ... no specs ... no forum posts ... no nothing
This was announced way too early.

Hotschi -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 6:38:26 PM)

Sounds interesting, but without any detailed info it's too early to say anything. I'll wait and see.

Greyshaft -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/25/2013 8:01:27 PM)



Sounds interesting, but without any detailed info it's too early to say anything. I'll wait and see.

Any revealed product page etc. will generate interest but when there's nothing to discuss will result in a yawn that discourages further exploration when the screenshots do arrive. There's nothing wrong with selling the sizzle before the steak is available but there's not much point if there's nothing to sniff.

Agathosdaimon -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/26/2013 2:33:50 AM)

that is true, and also if the screenshot were say still alpha/pre-alpha that usually means alot forum work just having to reiterate this, like what occurred with SC3 and War in the West. Best to show screenshots when its they are actual ingame

ComradeP -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/26/2013 7:29:10 AM)

The game sounds interesting, but I agree with some of the posters that it feels as if it was revealed too early. Waiting until the developers at least had their website up and running would not have hurt. This way, the announcement is a bit of a dud: people might be interested in the game but will find little information about it and can't see what it would look like, nor can they read anything about the developer.

Terminus -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/26/2013 8:14:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

The name is enticing also, will it feature detailed orders of battle for each side? Or will it be more like Strategic Commander or something?

By reading the description, it looks like the second.

Lukas -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/26/2013 10:35:51 PM)


No picture ... no specs ... no forum posts ... no nothing
This was announced way too early.

The game has been presented to press (and colleague developers) at the Essen Spieltage show this weekend. This one of the reasons we had to get the announcement out now. Previews and other forms of information will be available very soon.

uncc -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/29/2013 9:38:30 PM)

...a few beta screenshots here.


...beta code and the pictures you’ll see below are literally screenshots - pictures taken with a digital camera of the screen as he’s giving me the Grand Tour. Caveat: this is not final art and has placeholder graphics left and right, but screenshots can never do this game justice anyway as the 3D units and environment are gorgeously animated and dynamic.

Agathosdaimon -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 5:08:52 AM)

the naval battle image does look indeed quite beautiful - i hope its a challenging game to boot!

Missouri_Rebel -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 6:16:25 AM)

Pleasantly surprised by the alpha screens. I hope that unit experience is taken into account giving elite units more punch etc. just to differentiate various units of the same type.

I really like the look of the hexed map, including the coastal waters and especially like the front line on the fly ala unity of command.

m reb

wodin -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 10:06:40 AM)

Like the graphics of the Naval side..looks very very similar to Panzer Corps\Panzer general though.

GaryChildress -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 11:34:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Missouri_Rebel

Pleasantly surprised by the alpha screens. I hope that unit experience is taken into account giving elite units more punch etc. just to differentiate various units of the same type.

I really like the look of the hexed map, including the coastal waters and especially like the front line on the fly ala unity of command.

m reb

Where are the alpha screen shots? I don't see any on the product page.

VPaulus -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 12:27:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

Where are the alpha screen shots? I don't see any on the product page.


GaryChildress -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 1:32:00 PM)

Thanks. It does look a LOT like Panzer Corps.

Hotschi -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 2:54:19 PM)

Panzer Corps is fun to play, good when you want to relax from more complex games. If Order of Battle Pacific compares to it, fine with me.

Josh -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 3:13:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gary Childress

Thanks. It does look a LOT like Panzer Corps.

Yes but the scale looks different, and as Hotschi here says PC was/is a lot of fun to play.
PC was the bestest reincarnation of the original Panzer General I've seen in all these years, so if this game come close it'll be a winner too.

Max 86 -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 3:37:54 PM)

Hopefully the naval combat side is a little more developed than PC. Carrier and sub ops have to be decently represented if its primarily a naval game. Otherwise I would guess the campaign is primarily land based, island to island with naval gunfire and air support. Either way, definitely worth a look.

Lukas -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 5:27:04 PM)

I can't be too detailed about exact gameplay yet (mostly because things are still in development) but the gameplay is somewhere in between PzC and Battle Academy in terms of complexity. Several units have special abilities. To name a few examples:
- Amphibious units can enter and exit (shallow) water
- Engineers can destroy & construct bridges
- Engineers can place & clear minefields
- Tactical bombers can switch between torpedo and bomb (if the type allows both)
- Japanese air units can be switched to Kamikaze setup (later in game)
- Japanese infantry can use "banzai charge", a high risk/return attack (similar to BA's "Assault").
- US tanks can attach "field armour", trading speed for armour

Naval aspect is of course much more important than in PzC (many different types and classes, carriers providing air supply, coastal vessels providing ground supply, distinction between "deep" and "shallow" water, ships provided AA support for eachother, ...).

The campaign will include land-based (ex Philippines), naval-based (ex Midway) and mixed (ex. Guadal Canal) scenarios. Player have to develop both a land and naval force during the campaign. Neglect your fleet and some naval scenarios will be very hard to win, which will in turn impact the difficulty of later scenarios.

wodin -> RE: Order Of Battle Pacific (10/30/2013 11:19:36 PM)

Is it an abstract scale like PC? One reason I don't like PC..a hex taken up with one type of tank etc etc. I prefer my units\counters to have an TOE that matches historical records. One thing I really don't like about PC and PG is the way you have a FLAK unit taking up one hex which abstracts the scale to much for me. Making the game to Chess like and employing a Rock Paper Scissors mechanic which isn't for me.

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