EAP ? (Full Version)

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n01487477 -> EAP ? (10/30/2013 1:42:52 AM)

Is this the forum area for the Early Access Program ?

I read http://www.slitherine.com/BA_SPM_EarlyAccess . I only ask cause I thought there might be a private forum area like we have for beta testers.

I'm not into exclusivity, it's just two area's can have benefits especially when talking about bugs, throwing around ideas etc.

By joining the Early Access Program you will become part of the team and help guide the future development with your ideas and feedback.

Gotta work today - but I'll be paying and joining tonight ;-)

IainMcNeil -> RE: EAP ? (10/30/2013 10:18:18 AM)

We were planning to have the feedback in this forum but it probably makes sense to move the beta feedback to a sub forum so we're setting that up now.

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