Repeat Button Necessary (Full Version)

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Krasny -> Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 12:43:39 PM)

My initial reaction to playing the game for ten minutes is that the process of ordering a mission involves too many clicks and a repeat button would make things a lot easier.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 2:23:31 PM)

Repeat for what part exactly do you mean?

Krasny -> RE: Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 2:59:57 PM)

Repeat the mission.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 4:16:32 PM)

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean? You mean you want to reschedule a new mission of the same type, or assign flight controllers on the 2nd season or something else?

Krasny -> RE: Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 4:57:31 PM)

Repeat the same mission as you did last time.

For example, after launching Sputnik 1, if I wished to launch Sputnik 2, I could click on the repeat button.

Nacho84 -> RE: Repeat Button Necessary (10/30/2013 7:46:33 PM)



Repeat the same mission as you did last time.

For example, after launching Sputnik 1, if I wished to launch Sputnik 2, I could click on the repeat button.

We'll give it some thought. Implementing such a feature might seem simple, but we need to take into account all the possibilities so that we don't introduce bugs (e.g., what happens if you assigned one of the flight controllers involved on Sputnik 1 to another mission and then hit the "repeat" button). Let us think about it.


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