Does the redoubt Island #10 border the Obion confluent or Reelfoot lake? Or both?
Jim D Burns -> RE: Island #10 (10/30/2013 6:30:07 PM)
ORIGINAL: doktor
Does the redoubt Island #10 border the Obion confluent or Reelfoot lake? Or both?
Not familiar with the names, but I think both. Test it by plotting a navy unit to move to a river region then move to Island 10. If it goes straight in then it borders, if it diverts to another river first then no border. Rinse/repeat for each section you want to test.
USSLockwood -> RE: Island #10 (10/30/2013 7:35:56 PM)
Reelfoot lake is the body of water bordering New Madrid. I sent a gunboat and two transports to New Madrid from Cairo. The force reached New Madrid unscathed so I'm assuming that Island #10 does not border Reelfoot lake.
ird -> RE: Island #10 (10/30/2013 11:59:20 PM)
ORIGINAL: doktor
Reelfoot lake is the body of water bordering New Madrid. I sent a gunboat and two transports to New Madrid from Cairo. The force reached New Madrid unscathed so I'm assuming that Island #10 does not border Reelfoot lake.
I just did the same but I'm pretty sure I had a message telling me my gunboats successfully evaded the enemy batteries on Island #10 which would suggest it does border it
USSLockwood -> RE: Island #10 (10/31/2013 5:08:49 PM)
I reviewed the event log and received a message stating "Fleet succeeded in bypassing Island #10 defenses in Reelfoot Lake". So Island #10 does border Reelfoot Lake (and I would imagine the Obion Confluent as well) and I got lucky.