darbycmcd -> RE: Where are the Panzer IIIs (12/22/2013 4:55:32 AM)
Ah, well, no one knows then. But if you are trying to come up with an historical shortage, you would need to show where they are missing, East or West. And given that it is almost impossible to account for conversions (engineering hulls, command, training, etc) plus rejected unfit for service, this might be overly detailed. I also feel you have a problem subtracting withdrawn units from reinforcement, because you are using historical numbers to find discrepancy. Do you know for certain how many tanks the units took with them historically? Most of those units probably left with few if any runners. That is 200 hulls historically. I think it is great you are checking the production numbers to find big holes, like maybe you did with the Pz IV, but you can't get too fixated.