[0.7.3] Calculation bug involving available flight controllers (Full Version)

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CowboyRonin -> [0.7.3] Calculation bug involving available flight controllers (11/2/2013 11:13:04 PM)

Description - I set up a Mercury mission, using the "Assemble Now" option. I then attempted to assemble an
unmanned mission (BioScence, I believe). I was blocked by "Not enough flight controllers". However, the game
was already displaying the 10 flight controllers needed for Mercury as used, but I still had 5 flight controllers
(more than enough for the unmanned mission). In the text of the message, it appears that the game was looking for
the flight controllers twice - it expected me to have 10 available flight controllers for the mission already
assembled, but they weren't available because they were committed to that mission.


Nacho84 -> RE: [0.7.3] Calculation bug involving available flight controllers (11/3/2013 1:24:43 AM)

Hello CowboyRonin,

Do you happen to have a savefile for this? It certainly helps me to speed up the debugging process!


CowboyRonin -> RE: [0.7.3] Calculation bug involving available flight controllers (11/3/2013 2:39:55 PM)

I kept playing after the issue, so I had to go back and try to reconstruct which would be the save that would have this in it. I zipped up the three most likely candidates.

The metadata on the screen shot shows just after 1500 local.

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