sluggy2010 -> RE: [RELEASED] Speech and Ambient Sound Module - files attached (11/8/2013 7:58:37 AM)
I was thinking about this on the way home today, and doing my DeBono problem definition bit. I'd like to go back to the idea behind SeaHag. SeaHag is to add atmosphere to the simulation, which judging by the feedback so far it has done what it was meant to. So the question is "Is SeaHag meant to say everything..?" - To be clear on this one here the answer is no. If it has just finished saying "new contact" there is no value in saying it again, the primary reason I created it was mentioned in an earlier post where someone commented "I don't miss the incoming missiles anymore" whilst my concentration is elsewhere. In a time window if there was ANY new contact you want to know, one two three is not really the issue. So perhaps the issue there is that if more than one (new) contact appears in the time window the message should be "Multiple New Contacts Detected!" rather than robotic like announcement of each entry? Setting the repeat protection to zero doesn't really serve any purpose, in fact is probably a drain on most systems, even having created it I leave it on at least 30 seconds. So unless anyone REALLY wants to hear absolutely everything ( in which case don't advance time at the higher rates ) for the sake of balancing atmosphere and stability the minimum I should allow in the code is 10 seconds repeat prevention, if anything on the basis that it takes about 10secs to say anything anyhow. So rather than chasing this one as a bug - it is really a limitation. Even if the code were built into CMANO during a time advance at a rate of 15 minutes / 30 minutes I would actually make it say nothing on the grounds you cant react at that time base anyway. So again I am back to the 10 sec minimum repeat prevention, I am going to say that this is the suggested use, anything less than that really doesn't offer too much value. I've currently left the code as is to not mess up anyone's sound / speech tables, but my gut feel is that I should hard code a 10 seconds minimum. [:(]