RE: Turn 3 (Full Version)

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SigUp -> RE: Turn 3 (11/21/2013 3:06:37 PM)

I have sent all infantry divisions received up to turn 4 to AGN, bringing 18th and 16th Army to 24 CP and another 4 divisions to 4th Panzer Group. My aim is to deal with Leningrad as quickly as possible. I also intend to withdraw one panzer corps from there after reaching Lake Ladoga and send it to AGC. Afterwards my initial assessment is to send further infantry reinforcements to 2nd Army or 6th Army to fill in the gap between AGC and AGS. Depending on how quickly the Leningrad situation is resolved AGC aside from perhaps 2nd Army won't get any infantry reinforcements at all. Rather it will be AGN taking over front sectors for AGC.

As for 60th Motorized, I have yet to decide on a suitable location. And I have also not decided on a spot to send XXXX Panzer Corps either. I'll make that dependent on how the prospects of a Moscow push looks.

SigUp -> Turn 4 (11/22/2013 12:09:25 PM)

Turn 4: 10th July 1941 - 16th July 1941

Army Group North


For the second consecutive week, Army Group North's units had a quiet time. XXXXI. AK (mot.) conducted a HQ buildup, while LVI. AK (mot.) was refueled using Ju-52s, in anticipation of the coming assault against the Luga line.

The infantry finally reached the frontlines and divisions from 16th and 18th Army managed to advance some 30 miles into enemy territory. All in all some 17 infantry divisions were heading towards Luga, with LI. AK's four divisions marching to the front. Only XXXVIII. AK (heading towards Tallinn) and XXVIII. AK (heading towards Lovat) were targeted elsewhere.

Army Group Centre


While Army Group North had a quiet time, von Bock's units drove forward again. At the landbridge XXXIX. AK (mot.) launching from Vitebsk managed to breach the Soviet checkerboard defense and ended the week in a quarter-circle frontline in the woods northeast of Smolensk. In it's wake the fully refueled LVII. AK (mot.) turned southeast and blasted away the 18th Tank Division with it's 302 AFVs. Kuntzen's troops reached the Dnepr east of Smolensk on the 15th July and completed the movement of the northern pincer.

At Mogilev infantry first opened up the Dnepr and then crossed the river with Geyr's XXIV. AK (mot.) following right behind them. Very crucially, 10th Motorized Division beat back the Soviet 20th Rifle Corps (144th and 160th Rifle Division) on 13th July with a single hasty attack and captured an intact bridge over the Pronya at Chausy. Lemelsen's well-rested units then proceeded to break out of the bridgehead and linked up with 3rd Panzer Group the 16th July. Thereby 10-12 Soviet divisions were encircled near Smolensk. Unlike the northern pincer, Guderian's encirclement ring is very thin. Basically a 10-miles-wide corridor, held mainly by regiments. But the most vulnerable point of the encirclement ring is with 3rd Panzer Group. The hex north of XXIV. AK (mot.) is held only by a regiment of 12th Panzer Division, with multiple Soviet divisions in the vicinity.

North of Vitebsk 26th Infantry Division reached the outskirts of Velikie Luki and V. and VI. AK are preparing to storm the city next week.

Army Group South


A week after the heavy fighting at Vinnitsa, Army Group South had a much calmer turn after the massive Soviet retreat. South of the Pripyats von Reichenau's 6th Army continued their march to Kiev, while 17th Army's forward divisions reached the frontlines near Vinnitsa. There they, with assistance of XXXXIV. AK, drove back a Soviet tank division standing in the way of III. and XXXXVIII. AK (mot.)


In Bessarabia the mass of 11th Army crossed the Dnestr, while the Rumanians cleared the banks of the river of Soviet blocking detachments. Meanwhile XIV. AK (mot.) recaptured the terrain between Dnestr and Bug and captured Pervomaysk, routing two Soviet cavalry divisions in the process. XXXXVI. AK (mot.) lunged forward from its positions at the Dnestr and reached the Ingul with LSSAH crossing the river on 15th July. In the meantime III. and XXXXVIII. AK (mot.) drove east towards Sinyukha.

The movement of XXXXVI. AK (mot.) was actually topic of very hard deliberations. LSSAH and Das Reich could have come within 20-30 miles of the Dnepr (and reaching the river if I didn't care about them possibly getting cut off), if they drove towards Chigirin. But in the end I decided against it. loki has enough units to plug the line at least up to Kremenchug, so a crossing next turn would be unlikely. Instead these two divisions would probably be in a bad position to maneauver with Kirovograd held by the Soviets to the South and only a narrow space between Ingulets and Dnepr to the east.

Air War


With fighting resuming in the centre, air losses picked up. Due to many ground support missions, the Stuka's were hit very hard and 30 machines were shot down. Additionally, reconnaissance squads also suffered heavy losses with 19 planes lost.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/22/2013 7:31:42 PM)

A very good turn overall , except maybe in the north where you are paying for turn 2 .

Ground support should be used upon request from ground troops , it does not has to be turned on, all the time .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/22/2013 7:53:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Gabriel B.

A very good turn overall , except maybe in the north where you are paying for turn 2 .

Ground support should be used upon request from ground troops , it does not has to be turned on, all the time .

Thanks. I agree about the mistake in the North on turn 2. Otherwise I could have pushed with the panzers this turn. I hope the weather holds up. Otherwise I would pay dearly for pushing the panzers too far.

I know that about turning ground support on and off. But I lost 14 bombers on two crucial attacks over rivers alone. All in all the support of 2nd Panzer Group's drive cost me 24 bombers.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 5:28:15 AM)

By turn 4 you have enough bomber groups to aford to rotate the stukas , so that only one wing is engaged .
stg 77 atacks, stg 2 reserve, stg 1 prepares for the next week and so on.

german airbases can support only 1 stabs and 2 level bomber groups without being overloaded .
also at this stage you can increse the percent needed to fly to 40% so that a minimum of 16
bombers are combat ready per group .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 7:36:50 AM)

Good to know, didn't know about the overload settling in that early. So how many stukas and level bomber groups per airbase would you suggest is optimal?

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 8:25:21 AM)



Good to know, didn't know about the overload settling in that early. So how many stukas and level bomber groups per airbase would you suggest is optimal?

the stukas require minimal suport , it is one of their hiden advantages [:)]
One base can suport one stuka wing and a fighter wing ( I usualy keep stg2 togheder with Lg 2 )

For level bombers 1 stabs, 2 groups :
I need 225 ground suport elements to service KG -1 while a airbase has 250 at ful TOE,

There are no damaged bombers in this unit case, from 1069 bombers at the start turn 4 only 49 were damaged . Serviceable aircraft 95% is something I take for granted .


SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 9:01:35 AM)

Thanks, good stuff, it's for these kind of things that I started this AAR. I'll start reorganizing next turn. By the way, do you know whether there is a way to choose which airbase to relocate to when there are two or three stacked together?

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 3:21:37 PM)

I am not sure I undestand your question .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 3:25:36 PM)

I mean, for example I have 1st Airbase, 2nd Airbase and 3rd Airbase on the same hex. Now I want to transfer a squad from 4th Airbase to 1st. Is there a way to do this without moving away 2nd and 3rd Airbase?

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/23/2013 3:57:49 PM)

It gets transfered to the first unit in the stack .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/24/2013 9:07:04 AM)

Aftermath: 17th July 1941 - Morning

Army Group North


Along the front of Army Group North the Soviets continued to strengthen their lines. The main line of resistance goes from Novgorod to around Divenskaya along the Luga before turning north to Oranienbaum. Furthermore a possible second line of defense has been spotted from Pushkin to Kukkovo to Myasnoy Bor. Of course the backdoor north of Shlisselburg and the port of Osinovets are being fortified.


South of Lake Ilmen the Soviet defense still consists of islands. The main intent seems to be defending behind the Pola. In front of V. and VI. AK the Red Army retreated to Toropets and possibly behind the Dvina leaving a single rifle division to block the German advance at Velikie Luki.

Army Group Centre


In the centre 3rd Panzer Group experienced a severe setback due to Soviet counterattacks that hit 12th Panzer Division and parts of 18th Motorized Division hard. Two regiments of 12th Panzer Division standing at the Dnepr facing east were driven back by determined Soviet attacks on the first try. The regiment upholding the encirclement to the southeast of Smolensk was also subject of heavy aerial bombings. Compared to the morning of 10th July, 12th Panzer Division's AFV stock dropped from 153 to 108. The regiment of 18th Motorized Division managed to hold back one attack, inflicting some 112 AFV losses on the Soviets, before succumbing to a second attack by rifle divisions. Meanwhile the two regiments of 18th Panzer Division south of the Dnepr were also hit by attacks from two divisions trying to break out. This attempt, however, was foiled with the Soviets losing 276 tanks. But these numbers mean nothing, the Red Army isn't hurt by losing T-26 and BT-7s.

This setback will probably cost one week on the way to the Soviet main line behind the Dnepr and Desna where the Soviets have set up a continuous line from Olenino to Bryansk.

Army Group South


In the Ukraine Southwest Front continued its retreat behind the Dnepr. Aside from blockers and a bridgehead at Kiev the mass of the Front stands behind the river from Borispol to Chigirin.


By loki's own admission the drive of 1st Panzer Group into the gap between Southwest and Southern Front severely damaged Southern Front. At one point no combat units were standing between the spearheads of XXXXVI. AK (mot.) and Stalingrad. That said, the Soviets troops rallied quickly and reinforcements were brought into play. Though from Chigirin onwards the Dnepr is only fragmentarily guarded, blockers on the south bank of the river probably ensure that 1st Panzer Group won't have the necessary MPs to cross the river this week.


Speaking of the Dnepr, neither Dnepropetrowsk, nor Zaporozhye were evacuated as of now. In the North, however, the armament factories in the vicinity of Leningrad were all but gone. Only a single factory is left in Vsevolzhsky. Additionally the tank factories were evacuated, as well as 4 vehicle factories.

In the Centre loki hasn't begun evacuation of Tula, Kaluga, Bryansk and Moscow, but he still has time. In the South Kirovograd, Krivoi Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa were largely emptied. All in all the focus is on the evacuation of armament and possibly equipment factories. I have yet to spot heavy industry that was evacuated.

Finnish Front


Last but not least the Fins. In front of the Finnish armies the Soviets retreated with only the frozen units at Vyborg remaining. Even the brigade in Hankö was shipped out. In Karelia the Soviets enacted the usual Janis plan.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 4 (11/24/2013 10:41:34 AM)

In front of 6th army I advise not to push divisions south of Belaya Tserkov but keep the forces togheder to achieve enough force concentration .

At this point the SHC is forced to reinforce failure by keeping aditional forces in front of the Dnepr, instead of retreating acros it. Newertheles the time has come to swing Pz group 1 north , the lead divisions are 20 hexes ,not mp from the railheads .

comte -> RE: Turn 4 (11/25/2013 9:06:27 AM)

Sigup what graphics program are you using to put the arrows on your map?

SigUp -> RE: Turn 4 (11/25/2013 5:43:15 PM)



Sigup what graphics program are you using to put the arrows on your map?

I'm using Photoshop for the arrows.

SigUp -> Turn 5 (11/25/2013 7:56:11 PM)

Turn 5: 17th July 1941 - 23rd July 1941

Army Group North


After being inactive for more or less two weeks, Army Group North's armies once again raised the hammer against the Soviets. Seven infantry divisions of I., II. and X. AK reached the Luga and immediately began the crossing of the river against heavy enemy fire. In a crucial battle the elite 21st Infantry Division managed to break the dug-in 133rd Rifle Division in a hasty attack on 19th July. The battle was personally overseen by I. AK's new commander Generalleutnant Walter Model, former commander of 3rd Panzer Division. II. AK was equally successful and by the 20th July the Germans had created a 30-mile wide bridgehead over the Luga. Only 30th Infantry Division of X. AK was stifled by Soviet resistance, some 20 miles west of Novgorod.

The breach created by the infantry was then exploited by Hoepner's panzer units. Manstein's LVI. AK (mot.) used 8th Panzer Division as its spearhead and reached Divenskaya on 21st July. Meanwhile XXXXI. AK (mot.) aimed at breaking into the swamplands north of Novgorod to prevent the Soviets from forming a solid second line of defense there. With the help of LVI. AK's SS Totenkopf and 3rd Motorized Division Torkovichi was captured on the 23rd July. A day earlier 1st and 6th Panzer Division drove two rifle divisions out of the swamps and caused heavy losses on the Soviets. By the end of the week the spearheads of 4th Panzer Group stood 40 miles south of Lake Ladoga and only 20 miles away from the critical railway junction of Mga.

Army Group Centre


A week after launching the Smolensk campaign, Hoth's panzer group had to deal with their first setback. A successful Soviet counterattack reopenend communication lines to the (now confirmed) 12 divisions in the Smolensk pocket. With the aid of 9th Army, 3rd Panzer Group resealed the pocket, while sending LVII. AK (mot.) towards Durovo. Behind the river the Soviets already set up solid fortifications. Any attempt to cross the river will need infantry assistance.


South of Smolensk 2nd Panzer Group tightened the ring around the trapped units, while forward elements captured Roslavl. 4th Army's infantry reached the Sozh in the meantime.

Army Group South


South of the Pripyats 6th Army continued its advance on Kiev. While XVII. AK covered the army's flank around Korosten, eight divisions of XXIX., XXXXIV. and LV. AK closed in on the capital of the Ukraine. The door to the city was opened when 130th Rifle Division, after holding out against 75th Infantry Division, was bounced by a determined attack from 168th Infantry Division on 20th July.


South of 6th Army, 17th Army marched in the direction of Kremenchug - Dnepropetrowsk, while 11th Army sent its forces over the Yuzhny Bug, with the exception of LIV. AK, which was tasked with aiding the Rumanians in capturing Odessa. After pushing east for weeks, von Kleist's panzer group swung north towards the Dnepr between Chigirin and Kremenchug. Unfortunately Das Reich and LSSAH reached the river with not enough MPs to attempt a crossing (they arrived with 14), so the gap between Kremenchug and Chigirin wasn't taken advantage of (as well as the weak cavalry division guarding the river west of that gap). Meanwhile XIV. AK (mot.), as well as parts of III. AK (mot.) rested. XIV. AK possesses relatively high stocks of fuel and was also subject of aerial deliveries by Luftflotte 4. The plan is for XXXXVI. AK (mot.) to open up the river next week with XIV. AK (mot.) as the crossing force.

The drive towards Dnepr bend meanwhile was left to the Rumanian Cavalry Corps. In other news, the last remnants of the Stanislav - Lvov pocket were eliminated by Rumanian and Hungarian forces, with OKH carefully avoiding any clashes between the two nations.

Finnish Front


In Karelia the Fins countinued their attacks to reclaim lost territories. VI. and VII. AK of the Karelian Army reached the Janis and five divisions were preparing to storm the river line. The majority of the Kannas Army near Vyborg on the other hand was still preparing for their attack. Only II. AK attacked, with 15th Division reclaiming Keksholm and 2nd Division reaching the outskirts of Vyborg, known as Viipuri to the Fins. Also, Hankö was recaptured on 19th July to the delight of the Finnish government.

Air War

A week after sustaining their heaviest losses since the week one airfield bombings, the Luftwaffe had a fine outing. Not counting the 32 lost recon aircraft, the Luftwaffe suffered only 19 total losses, while shooting down 134 Soveit planes. The most intense air battles happened over the skies of Army Group north. In the battle for Divenskaya 135 German fighters and 97 bombers encountered 79 Soviet fighters and 14 bombers. While losing only 3 Bf 109, I. Fliegerkorps registered 21 Soviet fighters as shot down. A few days later over Sluditsa the Germans sent out 110 fighters and 99 bombers, which encountered 38 Soviet aircraft, among them 19 SB 2, which were all shot down.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 7:47:43 AM)

imho , 11th army next objective should be crosing the Dnepr on a broad front between Kherson and Nikopol.
It opens up the southern route to 1st panzer to wheel eastward once the supply situation improves .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 8:28:53 AM)

A good idea. Haven't done the recon for turn 6, yet. But I don't think he has to forces to impede such a crossing. Unfortunately progress there this turn will be slowed down by mud in the South Soviet Zone.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 1:37:23 PM)

Can you build up one of the rested corps ?
Normaly you could but without a Lvov , rail repair is a turn late .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 4:04:46 PM)

Due to the mud, no. Otherwise XIV. for sure, III. perhaps.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 5:30:08 PM)

The corps of 17th army are in range for HQBU, no ?

there would be serious suply problems behind de Dnepr ,as it costs 5 mp to trace suplly over that river , so you need to plan ahead .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 7:03:00 PM)

17th Army's corps are also not in range due to the mud. Just calculated, if it weren't for the mud all of 11th and 17th Army's infantry corps, as well as XIV. and III. Panzer Corps would be in range for a buildup.

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/26/2013 8:11:40 PM)

Aftermath: 24th July 1941 - Morning

Operation Barbarossa has entered its fifth week and for the first time the weather has turned against the Wehrmacht. Heavy rainfalls in the Southern Soviet Weather Zone has turned the terrain into a nightmare, giving the German troops a foretaste of what is to come during the rasputitsa.

Army Group North


In front of Army Group North reconnaissance has reported the Soviets completely retreating out of the area west of Krasnogvardeysk, including the fortress of Oranienbaum, with the exception of a single rifle division blocking XXVI. AK. Opposing XXXXI. AK (mot.) the Red Army put up blocking detachments, however, without forming a solid line. In contrast the Volkhov is guarded quite solid by Northern Front, indicating STAVKA giving up on maintaining land connection with Leningrad

Army Group Centre



In front of Army Group Centre the situation hasn't changed. The Soviets continue to fortify their main line of resistance along Dnepr and Desna, while simultaneously preparing a fallback line north and south of Vyazma. Furthermore Soviet divisions have been spotted at Orel, where they are presumably digging new fortifications.

Army Group South



In the South the rainfalls have left their biggest mark, with the lower half of the Ukraine covered by mud. This development will delay LIV. AK's assault on Odessa, which is held by a single rifle division. Furthermore, 11th Army will also have to exercise patience in their march towards the unguarded Dnepr between Nikopol and Kherson.

In the Dnepr bend the Soviets continue to defend only in a very loose formation, while beginning evacuation of Dnepropetrowsk. 10 of 16 armament factories were already shipped east.

Before the front of 1st Panzer Group along the Dnepr between Kremenchug and Chigirin the Red Army has filled up the last remaining holes. But these units haven't had time to properly dig in, so a Dnepr crossing is quite realistic this week.

Finnish Front

Unexpectedly the Soviet 7th Independent Army has retreated from the Janis line, giving the Fins free access into Karelia. On the landbridge Northern Front has pulled back to the 1939 borders with the exception of a rifle division and a NKVD regiment, which were unable to escape.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 7:35:29 AM)



Finnish Front

Unexpectedly the Soviet 7th Independent Army has retreated from the Janis line, giving the Fins free access into Karelia. On the landbridge Northern Front has pulled back to the 1939 borders with the exception of a rifle division and a NKVD regiment, which were unable to escape.

With so much german infantry in the north , guarding that river is needed to prevent a right hook . But at this point you have comited your forces to a direct assault, so he can aford to trade ground and reinforce the Volkhov .
Most of the Karelian army would withdraw before the blizard so advancing on than front must
be in force or not at all.

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 8:06:45 AM)

Generally the Fins face massive withdrawals. Of Kannas Army's 7 divisions 2 withdraw in October and another one in January, leaving 4. Karelian Army's 5 divisions one withdraws in October and one in February. So right now I am thinking about the use of the Finnish 17th Division arriving from Hankö. I used to defend the Svir with 3 divisions, the two regiments of 163rd Infantry Division and most of the Coastal Brigades, but I don't know whether this is enough against a human player.

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 5:39:34 PM)

Unless it has two armies to spare .

6 divisions would crack 2 regiments in one hex.
5 divisions would crack 1 brigade in one hex.

18 divisions minimum to acheive any significant penetration .

However the bigest problem is that beyond 50 mp you are not getting replacemnts, and he can grind you slowly .

Cannot repair the rail track fast enogh with just 3 batalions .

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 5:43:45 PM)

Okay, thanks. So what would you suggest?

Gabriel B. -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 9:16:37 PM)

recapture but do not stay there .

Let him repair the track if he wants the empty ground back and prepare your own defense on the Janis

SigUp -> RE: Turn 5 (11/27/2013 9:28:38 PM)

Then I have guessed right. The idea I had was to push to the Svir and then wait for how many divisions he committs there. Once the strength exceeds a threshould, retreat back to the Janis. At the same time try to prepare the Janis line so that when he arrives there, he'll be faced with level 3 forts.

Right now I'm also thinking of what to do with Guderian's panzers. I have toyed with the idea of pushing 2nd Panzer Group south, but I'm not that fond of it, as it would break the cooperation of Hoth and Guderian's forces and because the supply situation down there isn't the best. The FBD's are 10 miles south of Polotsk right now. On the other hand I want to fill the gap between AGC and AGS as fast as possible. Oh well, decisions, decisions. That's what 1941 is all about.

SigUp -> Turn 6 (11/28/2013 7:52:03 PM)

Turn 6: 24th July 1941 - 30th July 1941

Army Group North


At Army Group North the assault towards Lake Ladoga continued with I., II. and XXXXI. AK (mot.) spearheading the push. South of Mga the infantry took care of weak Soviet resistance, while Mga itself was attacked by 1st, 6th and 8th Panzer Division. The critical railway junction there was guarded by the powerful 1st Tank Division of 23rd Army and the 3rd Gds. Len. PM Rifle Division of 30th Army. Despite a tough struggle the Soviets were no match for the panzers, especially due to a lack of coordination between the two armies and on 27th July the railway junction was in German hands. While LVI. AK (mot.)'s 8th Panzer Division remained at Mga, 1st and 6th Panzer Division, supported by 36th Motorized Division, continued their attack north against Shlisselburg. Despite favourable terrain the 22nd NKVD Division had to yield and on 29th July 36th Motorized Division reached the shores of Lake Ladoga, cutting off the land connection to Leningrad. One day later an armed recon westwards was repelled by 30th Army's 1st Gds. Len. PM Rifle Division.

Army Group Centre


Before engaging into the pursuit of the retreating Soviet forces, V. and VI. AK had to take care of the 14.000 men strong 112th Rifle Division at Velikie Luki. Left on its own the division was not able to repel a hasty attack by 5th and 35th Infantry Division and the city was taken in the evening of the 24th July. After two further engagements the next few days the division was routed, having lost over 9.000 men in four days.

Meanwhile XXIII. AK marched towards Zapadnaya Dvina. On 27th July the divisions made contact made contact with the 153rd Rifle Division of 22nd Army, dug in in the hills northwest of the town. Assisted by 35th Infantry Division which had arrived from Velikie Luki the corps managed to push back the Soviets and two days later Zapadnaya Dvina was in German hands.


Around Smolensk XX. and XXXXIII. AK proceeded to reduce the Smolensk pocket, which contained 12 divisions with elements of 13th and 20th Army. All in all nearly 120.000 men were captured. Meanwhile VIII. AK helped XXXIX. AK (mot.) in getting over the Dvina northeast of Durovo. After beating 50th Tank Division and 117th Rifle Division the corps possessed a 20 mile wide bridgehead, but a further attempt to enlarge it to the south was stopped by 21st Army.

At the same time 4th Army's infantry crept closer to Bryansk and by the end of the week 292nd Infantry Division stood 50 miles away from the city. To the south XII. AK captured Gomel on the second try against an airborne brigade.

Army Group South


In front of Kiev von Reichenau finally launched the attack on the Ukrainian capital. Faced with well-prepared fortifications the progress was slow. Nevertheless the divisions of the Soviet 5th Army were gradually pushed towards the city. By 29th July XXIX. and LV. AK had penetrated the outer defenses and were pushing into the suburbs of the metropole.


Near Kremenchug 1st Panzer Group, assisted by divisions of IV. AK arriving, set out to cross the mighty Dnepr. Supported by V. Fliegerkorps Das Reich and LSSAH opened the battle by an attack on 17th Tank Division which possessed 337 tanks. After two days of heavy fighting the division created a large enough opportunity for SS Wiking to exploit. However, SS Wiking's attack on the neighbouring 15th Tank Division failed. Nevertheless the ruckus caused by the sudden attack into their flanks allowed Großdeutschland to push 15th Tank Division away from the river and 9th Panzer Division crossed the river unhindered. For this success Generalleutnant Otto von Knobelsdorff, freshly transferred from 19th Panzer Division to replace Gustav von Wietersheim, was awarded the Ritterkreuz. The Dnepr crossing was completed by 10th Panzer Division setting over the river after an attack by 262nd Infantry Division.

In the Dnepr bend and at Odessa the Axis advance was severely slowed down by bad road conditions after the heavy rainfall. Especially LIV. AK suffered from it, as the attack on Odessa had to be delayed.

Finnish Front

In Karelia the Karelian Army pushed east while defeating a Soviet rifle division. Troops of Kannas Army in the meantime encircled a division in Vyborg, while pushing towards old border.

Air War

For the second consecutive week the Luftwaffe had a fine outing. For the loss of 26 own aircraft during the ground support missions, 184 Soviet planes were shot down. It has to be said, however, that these planes were mostly obsolete I-series biplanes, which present no real threat. (Note: Forgot to turn off night missions for the Stukas, He-111 and Do-17, luckily it did not cost me in the important battles as enough Ju-88 were available.)

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