Dimitris -> RE: Single rail launcher rate of fire (3/6/2014 9:40:15 AM)
The problem is known, and affects ***ONLY THE FIRST*** reload of a mount after commencing fire. The first replacement round is reloaded immediately, subsequent rounds take the proper time to reload. I am emphasizing the "first round only" part to explain why this issue has been deemed less urgent than other items (crashes etc.). In practical terms, each mount gets a free "instant shot". And the more shots a mount fires in succession the less important this issue becomes (e.g. 1+3 vs. 1+10). (And before ExMachina predictably chips in: Yes, we know that certain mounts, e.g. Seawolf sextuple launchers of the frigate in "Sea of Fire", get a big benefit from this because in their case it's 1+1. Our heads hang in shame.) If this makes "very difficult to take naval combat seriously", then all I can say is: We are sorry. We'll get to it when we can.