RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (Full Version)

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Grotius -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 3:02:00 AM)

You're off to a great start! I look forward to reading more. :)

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 8:34:54 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 8:52:56 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

mldtchdog -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 9:30:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1



You're off to a great start! I look forward to reading more. :)

Thank-you sir!

Right - slight problem, I chose the action types for the 2nd impulse last night and can't remember what I chose... You may also notice that in my excitement to begin Case White, I forgot to move the Japanese [8|].

To even things up I will not move the Chinese this impulse.

I disagree. The down side of playing both sides is that you always have an advantage of knowing the enemy's plans. Play on with the OOPs! factors I say. Allow each side to take advantage of the other sides errors. I always play this way and it has led to many an enjoyable game (even against another opponent). Resist the urge to "correct" mistakes I, uh, urge you. Play on and enjoy

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 9:31:29 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 9:33:57 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 9:48:07 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 9:57:38 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 10:05:30 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 10:21:12 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

Klydon -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 1:21:56 PM)

Great read and very enjoyable!

I am still working out the interface and tinkering with the tutorial and video tutorial as well.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 1:27:50 PM)

AAR starts at Post 78

alexvand -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 3:26:40 PM)

Do not scrap your Amphibs! You need those! There are only a few and you really need them to conduct invasions!

alexvand -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/9/2013 3:29:17 PM)

When scrapping the Commonwealth carrier units you may actually want to keep the 0 cost ones.

First, they are cheap, they cost 0. They fit really nicely on the CWs terrible little carriers and do decent ASW duty in the atlantic.

Second, they can be very useful for building up your gearing limits if you need to.

brian brian -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 2:30:23 AM)

I hate to tell you this .... if the Poles hadn't selected Blitz combat, they would have held the city. Defenders in a city should really force the attackers to use the Assault table as their best choice.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 3:18:55 AM)

AAR starts at Post 78

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:15:02 AM)

Right I've decided to bring this AAR to a close on the basis that a) I had no real idea what I was doing and b) as a result I have messed up on a load of things - not least missing out whole phases with some countries [&:]

So I will begin again....

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:18:25 AM)

Same scenario:

- Global War
- All the options
- General outline of play. Make the countries do the kind of things that were likely in WWII given the political considerations that existed.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:20:52 AM)

I won't repeat some of the screenshots from before but will explain the choices I make where appropriate:

First off, no lend-lease.

Three entry chits drawn, with the result that:

Ge/It Entry Level = 14
Japan Entry Level = 5

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:27:48 AM)

The US scrap the weak naval air and low range TRS and AMPH.

I set up the US Pacific Fleet in San Diego with two subs
I set up the Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk with one sub
Two TRS on each coast
Excess convoy points shared between those two ports

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:35:40 AM)

For the Soviet Union I scrap one 2 quality aircraft and 2 quality garrison only.

I protect Leningrad and Odessa then place my remaining Europe counters menacingly along the Polish border.

Not sure what the convoy and TRS counters will be required for..
I place 2CP and the one TRS in Leningrad and 1 CP in Sevastopol.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:41:26 AM)

Italy I scrap nothing.

I place the fleet in La Spezia
In North Africa I place the best units in defence of Tripoli and some weaker units in Tobruk.
My land units on the mainland are all placed on the French border.
I put 1 CP in the Italian Coast to transport the Sardinian resource.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:46:08 AM)

China also scraps nothing.

The bulk of my forces are placed around Changsha and in protection of the resources to the southwest.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 5:57:21 AM)

With the CW I scrap the low range AMPH and the 0 quality NAV Air.

I place the main British Fleet in Plymouth and on the Pacific map I place the fleet in Trincomalee.
Gibraltar is garrisoned with a Corps and the Royal Engineers.

Still not happy I understand the convoy/production malarchy, but I am getting there! I have convoys for most of the resources available, but have no spares CP!

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:21:31 AM)

With the French I scrap all the NAV Air and the 2 quality fighter.

The French land force placement see most of the units behind the Maginot Line and a screening force to guard the Italians. God the forces just look so weak...its a good job the Maginot Line is impregnable isn't it.....[;)]

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:32:02 AM)

The Japanese. Mmmm I scrap some low quality NAV Air and again, scrap the TRS and AMPH with just a 2-range.

I place my fleet and home island units in the west of Japan to send over to China at the earliest opportunity.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:40:24 AM)

The Germans scrap their 3 weakest FTR and the 2-range sub.

I place my units in the west to guard against a French attack across the Maginot Line. The bulk of my forces are of course ranged against the Poles. In a real game I would not know whether the Poles would use their aircraft or not (to save the pilot) so I put two fighters on the Eastern Front just in case.

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:41:57 AM)

And they're off! ITS WAR!!!


Berlin, August 31,1939

Directive No. 1 for the Conduct of the War

1. Now that all the political possibilities of disposing by peaceful means of a situation on the Eastern Frontier which is intolerable for Germany are exhausted, I have determined a solution by force.

2. The attack on Poland is to be carried out in accordance with the preparations made for Case White, with the alterations which result, where the Army is concerned, from the fact that it has in the meantime almost completed it. dispositions; Allotment of tasks and the operational target remain unchanged.

Date of attack: September 1, 1939.

Time of attack: 4:45 A.M.

This timing also applies to the operation at Gdynia, Bay of Danzig and the Dirschau Bridge.

3. In the West it is important that the responsibility for the opening of hostilities should rest squarely on England and France. For the time being insignificant frontier violations should be met by purely local action.

The neutrality of Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, to which we have given assurances, must be scrupulously observed.

On land, the German Western Frontier is not to be crossed without my express permission.

At sea, the same applies for all warlike actions or actions which could be regarded as such.

4. If Britain and France open hostilities against Germany, it is the task of the Wehrmacht formations operating in the West to conserve their forces as much as possible and thus maintain the conditions for a victorious conclusion of the Operations against Poland. Within these limits enemy forces and their military-economic resources are to be damaged as much as possible. Orders to go over to the attack I reserve, in any case, to myself.

The Army will hold the West Wall and make preparations to prevent its being outflanked in the north through violation of Belgian or Dutch territory by the Western powers . . .

The Navy will carry on warfare against merchant shipping, directed mainly at England . . . The Air Force is, in the first place, to prevent the French and British Air Forces from attacking the German Army and the German Lebensraum.

In conducting the war against England, preparations are to be made for the use of the Luftwaffe in disrupting British supplies by sea, the armaments industry, and the transport of troops to France. A favorable opportunity is to be taken for an effective attack on massed British naval units, especially against battleships and aircraft carriers. Attacks against London are reserved for my decision.

Preparations are to be made for attacks against the British mainland, bearing in mind that partial success with insufficient forces is in all circumstances to be avoided.


warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:44:14 AM)

In response to outlandish Polish aggression, that understandably the poor Germans can no longer tolerate, they decide to attack.

The Americans see through this charade (they know who the bad guy is here) and react with outrage - the Entry Level rockets:

Ge/It Entry Level = 20
Japan Entry Level = 7

warspite1 -> RE: Bob Flemin's MWIF AARse (11/10/2013 6:49:02 AM)

The Poles set up around Warsaw with a few units forward to try and delay the Panzers - the Polish air force want to stay out of harms way and gift pilots to the CW.


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