Mad Russian -> RE: Movement TTPs (11/9/2013 11:41:53 AM)
If it was me, I'd move my recon slowly. Most games end in sudden death not run out of time. Do what you though, try different things. Learn what works for you. You may not be as aggressive as I am. So here's my issue with moving my recon slowly -- the orders cycle. If I send my recon out at a slow pace but let the rest of my two GTRs sit back and wait for contact before choosing my axis of attack, I'll never finish the scenarios. I play limited orders -- it's awesome that way. But if I have a 30-minute turn, the first two turns (1 hour) until I make contact. Then I start issuing orders, but with the order delay it's usually 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours before my guys start moving. Even if I get 20+ orders, I can't get one or two regiments moving on 20 orders. Because the orders delay takes, on average, an hour, I feel I need to give everyone orders at the beginning when they're free. How many games have you had that went the time distance and were stopped by the time limit? quote:
So, bottom line, while I love limited orders, I feel that the delay (usually at least an hour before they even start executing) prevents me from "going slow" on the attack. So then, your question is a bit more about planning that orders. Let's take a look at your dilemma from a bit of a different angle. I create a plan. Then I execute that plan. Part of my execution is to send my recon forward to make sure I'm not driving into an ambush. I don't send my recon blindly out with no idea what I want to accomplish. I understand that I have a huge advantage in that regard since I am God in the scenarios. Having created them I know pretty much what is out there and where I put it in it's setup zones. After 2 turns however that is all I used to know. The AI responds to me in different ways each time I fight a scenario. So, like the rest of you, at that point my plan either has to hold water or be adjusted. I prefer to play with limited orders as well. I just rarely get to. I have to make sure that the scenarios will play balanced with the full orders options. I don't have enough time to balance them for full orders and then go back and play them for my own pleasure. You can play your recon however you want. I warned you that YMMV. I started off playing the game by pushing them hard. Now, after about 2 years I send them slower. I need them to live. Push them hard and fast and many of them aren't coming home in one piece. [:(] Good Hunting. MR