Small group lookinf for more players (Full Version)

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2ndACR -> Small group lookinf for more players (11/8/2013 1:27:52 PM)

We have a small group that currently plays co-op MP against the AI. We are always looking for new people to play, someday we hope to have enough to form an opposing side. We play limited camera range and use couriers for communication in game. If any new players want a easy training game, just post in our planning thread or PM me here or there.

Here is a link to our game planning thread, do not let the politics on the main forum scare you, we keep it nice in the game room.:

kkomisarcik -> RE: Small group lookinf for more players (11/8/2013 2:09:49 PM)

You should introduce yourself at the Kriegspiel forum. KriegSpiel Forum They play HITS, usually on the weekends. They too play co-op if the group is smaller than 6.

2ndACR -> RE: Small group lookinf for more players (11/8/2013 3:48:20 PM)

We are not true HITS guys, our camera goes out to about 700 meters or so. But we are trying to grow our little group some, Right now we got 3 of us that can handle Corps, and another 2 that can handle div. Figured I would post up here also for any of the newer guys that want to give it a whirl with us before jumping into the deep end with the serious guys.

kkomisarcik -> RE: Small group lookinf for more players (11/8/2013 5:18:24 PM)

The KS group is pretty easy going. They generally only command a brigade or a small division each due to the difficulty of commanding larger groupings than that. They do have division and corps commanders, but those people only take direct command of a brigade or a couple of artillery batteries so they can concentrate on the larger picture and give orders to their human subordinates.

2ndACR -> RE: Small group lookinf for more players (11/8/2013 5:25:52 PM)

About the same as us, I usually command the army, and detach a div for my personal control. Smaller battles say with 1 Corps, I take Corps command with a div under personal control. If a div commander, I usually detach a reg for my personal shotgun use. We have no rules really about not TCing troops. I feel that is a personal choice. I have taken a Corps in a 3 Corps co-op and placed a div TC command for personal use or close to it.

They are on my list though. I don't want to "poach" folks, we are training up a new guy right now, we want a group of say 6 so that we can maybe place a "challenge" for an opposing unit to beat up on us some. Most fights I have seen seem to be in the 90 min range, we do mongo 4 hour games most times. Sort of depends on who is playing with us at that moment.

Oh, and I think there is a request over at Norbsoft concerning couriers. Here is a link to it:

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