pzgndr -> RE: Date for AI (11/11/2013 11:50:49 AM)
ORIGINAL: 76mm Didn't Empires in Arms come out without an AI? Or maybe it had an AI that was complete crap? I typically mainly play against the AI as well, but I'll be very surprised if a small dev team like this can come up with a decent AI for such a complicated game. Personally I'm not anti-AI at all but sometimes you gotta be realistic. Well EiA did provide an AI on release but it had issues. It's been improved a bit but still needs work. Most of the post-release effort has been on resolving bugs and other gameplay issues, and even some of those remain to be fixed. EiA is a whole lot better now, but not perfect yet. My experience working with some of these games and developers has taught me to be very patient. Yes, I would also like to have EVERYTHING, have it all work PERFECTLY, and have it NOW. In reality, this doesn't happen. The EiA developer, Marshall Ellis, has real-life to deal with and the game development has been on the back burner for about 2 years now. The TOAW III developer, Ralph Trickey, disappeared for about a year but just this past week reappeared to announce continued development work. All this stuff takes real time and effort for anything complicated, and either a developer can afford to work on a game or he cannot. So hopefully Steve will stay the course and continue to provide all of the additional MWiF enhancements and improvements everyone wants. Let us all be patient and enjoy the ride.