EricLarsen -> Artifacts (1/25/2003 10:37:36 PM)
Originally posted by Flyingcursor [B]What about artifacts that effect your whole race. When should they be used? For example, if a ship just found an artifact that gives your race a 25% production bonus, can you use it right away or do you have to drop it off on a world first? I started with a 150 star galaxy. I was thinking of starting again with a 50 star but then again I'll never get past the easter egg hunt stage if I keep starting over. Here's another question. How many years do most players average before moving to another age? [/B] Flyingcursor, I haven't found that 25% production bonus for your race yet, that's a nifty one. I would assume you need to take it to a world and drop it off so you can activate it on a world. Since it's not something that benefits ships I doubt you could activate it on a ship. Better to start small and get a feel for the game system and try out different aspects of manual control. It seems like it's about 200 years or so for me. If I'm lucky and have adequate wisdom artifacts. If you do a good job of building world infrastructures you can get into the upper ages a bit quicker since you're not hampered with the production/research dilemma so much. I always go for researching the labs and research facilities and build one on each world. Eric Larsen