USXpat -> RE: Another Monster in the Works (12/12/2013 10:05:48 AM)
Development continues on 1939-1945 scenario, getting closer to completion to the extent of doing 1939-1940 testing. I'm saving most of the "naval component" testing to do last as it will involve a lot of testing unto itself and with a decision of how prominent or not prominent it should be. I'm interested in a range of opinions/considerations on the extent the naval component should be modeled. I know for starters, just mentioning "submarines" is going to bring up a slew of controversy. My consideration is based substantially upon coupled with the only way to advance TOAW's ability to cover the naval war with what I'm inclined to expect with the new beta -- is to test, play test, play, test, play, test, to develop and refine TOAW's naval component to be "all that it can be". That's not to say perfect, but "close enough" - a more accurate reflection than typical to regular board games wherein a 3-3 unit is either at full strength or dead, or where when rolling 1d6 -- it's possible to roll a 3.5. I agree with Commander Poirier's assertions and that a submarine's impact must be measured by far, far more than its weapon statistics. Modeling of the Air War from 1942-1945 shows significant progress that can be improved upon, so the same I think can apply to the naval war. The problem comes with the cascading impact of If/Then's. That is... by including a submarine, then it is necessary to include destroyer escorts, corvettes, frigates, possibly even smaller craft. The line of thinking that 1 truck should be 1 truck has some bearing on this - as if we consider a Pz I armed with MG's and a crew of 4, then a corvette with 4x HMG's and 1x 4" gun with a complement of 60 is warranted. With Lend Lease, plus the shipping of American units to Europe, or Australian units to the Mediterranean -- presently is something mostly taken for granted. My feeling is that things get more exciting the extent to which the Allied Player becomes paranoid. So, I'm looking for thoughts about how deep this should go -- understanding that the upcoming patch may have items in it that we have not seen before; and additional views of other considerations all of this brings up. I'm also open to keeping it simplified just out of consideration of how much work is involved in developing/testing whatever makes it in. I see both sides and have argued with myself endlessly... back and forth. Any input greatly appreciated!