GloriousRuse -> RE: Sudden Death Ending Suggestions (11/17/2013 11:38:11 PM)
Asymmetric sudden death. Use a relative measure for Soviet Sudden Death Victory (meaning NATO is sub 30%), and victory levels for the WP based on relative force status and time taken. So, a well preserved WP force that slaughters the enemy quickly should move the chains to a Decisive Victory no matter what. Just being fast or just being intact should move the chains one or two levels up the victory scale for the WP. If it took a long time and the WP are battered, use the SD rules as is. NATO, in contrast, should get at most one victory level for force preservation, and none for time. Another WP echelon IS coming, and any land you gave up is pretty quickly going to be occupied. For NATO I would say SD at most gets you OBJs within 2km of force that are worth 3x the enemy's forces.