Flaviusx -> Victory Conditions (11/16/2013 2:58:05 PM)
Loving this game so far and am deep into my second playthrough (the first being a rapidly abandoned expirement) and approaching the end of the game. However, I am not sure what the requirements for all the victory conditions are. Particularly need to know what these are for an economic victory; I'm playing the Solar Dynasty on a huge world and have 24 cities after knocking out Lilly Vermillion, but don't relish the prospect of taking out all the factions. (I could probably do this...but it would be very tedious.) Or even a science victory, I'm well into the transcendent era. The game is a nice combination of Civ5 and and SMAC, and is completely intuitive for anybody familiar with these titles, but for small things like this, I do miss having a manual. It's a little less deep insofar as it lacks the very detailed civic and social policy options of SMAC (mostly you pick your faction and that's the end of it, despite a few techs that give you bonuses of various sorts, your government type is fixed.) Also, once you knock out all the hives the planet doesn't seem to produce any more native threats, unlike SMAC where the game cranked up the effects of native life forms and fungus growth over time. In my present game the hives are long gone and the ecosystem has ceased to be a threat. I think SMAC got this better and presented a more tense endgame. Maybe this could be tweaked in patch later on. Wish the game had world wonder equivalents, too. That's another thing you ought to consider patching in down the line. The in game economics feel a bit simplistic without them. Major projects would diversify the build options and make the faction competition more interesting.