Where to Email Bug report (Full Version)

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Jeff Gilbert -> Where to Email Bug report (11/19/2013 6:59:21 PM)

Encountered a bug today on calculating movement (range check error).
The game kicked over to the bug report form and I elected to email it however, when it popped up to email, there was no email address to SEND to.

I have saved the email & attached report for when I lear where to send to.

Thanks in advance,

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (11/19/2013 7:41:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jeff Gilbert

Encountered a bug today on calculating movement (range check error).
The game kicked over to the bug report form and I elected to email it however, when it popped up to email, there was no email address to SEND to.

I have saved the email & attached report for when I lear where to send to.

Thanks in advance,

Please send to:


aschoelling -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (11/20/2014 11:34:55 AM)

Is there a new address? I tried to send a bug report yesterday, and it bounced, indicating error with the mail server DNS setup:


no valid MX hosts found



Dabrion -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (11/20/2014 12:16:52 PM)

matrixgames.com has a valid MX record and is not in any common blacklists (http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3amatrixgames.com&run=toolpage)

Could it be that your mail hoster is blacklisted? And this refers to the revers-lookup?

aschoelling -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (11/20/2014 3:09:57 PM)

I used my GMX mail account at home, trying dig -t mx from office showed a valid entry.

Looks like a valid and correct setup on the mailserver part to me, so the problem must be on my side, even though a blacklist check using mxtoolbox gives me almost 100% green icons (the 2 remaining where query timeouts), and the domain check only found some minor issues (like DNS TTL larger than recommended, slow SMTP responses).

Thanks for looking into this. I'll try and send the bug report again later today, and perhaps from another mail account, if that doesn't work.



Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (2/17/2017 7:49:53 PM)

I have been having trouble replying to PM messages. The Slitherine server says my replies are not being sent.[:@]

Please use a post in the Tech Support forum or send email (MadExcept@MatrixGames.com) to report problems.

JLDemary -> RE: Where to Email Bug report (4/21/2019 5:41:34 PM)

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