Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (Full Version)

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Atts -> Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 7:22:08 AM)

As mentioned in tital, anyone? I've mentioned it a few times with no real response if passing topics.

Personally, i'd love to face up against my friends in a good solid Distant Worlds game. Although, obviously the game isn't currently even remotely designed to accomadate multiplayer.

Atts -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 7:23:16 AM)

Grr... Any suggestions on why my threads keep getting double posted?

Icemania -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 8:38:26 AM)

More than a few names here I'd enjoy a game with. Games with Jeeves would last months. Darkspire would be exceedingly friendly even if he lost. Kayoz I'd play for the entertainment value of in-game messages alone[:D]

That said, there are more than enough opportunities to improve SP, so MP should not be a priority until DW2.

In the near future GalCiv3 MP.

Darkspire -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 9:33:19 AM)


Darkspire would be exceedingly friendly even if he lost

That would only be if the messages are in hex not base 10 [:D]


ASHBERY76 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 10:05:19 AM)


Atts -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 11:28:41 AM)

Heh, well once the fourth expansion comes out, hopefully they'll have the lacking game factors downpat and we can all enjoy DW2 MP!

Turn Based game multiplayer doesn't work with me so much, it's very time consuming you might only get 10 turns out of 4-5 hrs of gameplay due to the sheer scope of it.

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 2:11:54 PM)

Fix singleplayer issues first. Then maybe multiplayer should be considered.

Cauldyth -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 6:23:40 PM)

Zero interest.

Max 86 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 7:17:10 PM)

No thanks, no interest

adecoy95 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/20/2013 11:16:56 PM)

im interested in multiplayer, but it would never happen

Kayoz -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/21/2013 6:27:08 AM)


Although, obviously the game isn't currently even remotely designed to accomadate multiplayer.

It would be a completely different game. It would have to be almost completely redesigned, rewritten and completely new test matrices planned. It would be DW in name alone.

It's not likely to happen any time soon.

Shark7 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/21/2013 3:28:27 PM)

Let me put it this way: I don't mind having a MP component of the game so long as the SP does not suffer to make it happen.

I for one am sick of these so-called AAA titles that have no story-line and incomplete SP gameplay in the name of the all-mighty multiplayer. If you are making a game that revolves around MP, then it is an MMO and should not be sold as a single-player experience. This is more of a problem with console games than PC games, fortunately.

And for the record, I have played and enjoyed MMOs...both PVP and PVE types. But most of the time I prefer to play a SP game and enjoy it, rather than being in constant competition with other players. It's the reason I enjoy SimCity 4 and DW as much as I do...I don't have to compete. I just play the game at my pace and enjoy it.

So from my point of view, get the SP game working great first, then lets see about making MP happen. And for the record, I do think that playing DW against the rest of the community would be pretty awesome, we do tend to have a more mature player base than other types of games.

Setekh -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/21/2013 6:31:36 PM)



Let me put it this way: I don't mind having a MP component of the game so long as the SP does not suffer to make it happen.

I for one am sick of these so-called AAA titles that have no story-line and incomplete SP gameplay in the name of the all-mighty multiplayer. If you are making a game that revolves around MP, then it is an MMO and should not be sold as a single-player experience. This is more of a problem with console games than PC games, fortunately.

A thousand times this.

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/21/2013 7:53:30 PM)

Games with an all-mighty multiplayer usually have a poor single player gameplay precisely because the main focus of the game is multiplayer. However, Distant Worlds doesn't have a mulitplayer component. I've never heard of a game sold as a single player experience, but revolves around multiplayer to be honest.

Atts -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/22/2013 2:46:13 AM)

Agreed on the AAA stuff, particularly with Console, unfortuantly that's where the money is, people play a single player games for it's hr base, say 10-20 hrs then forget it exists, whilst a multiplayer game people could play for hundreds of hours or more. As such entincing companies to make DLC and therefore make more money.

Of course this doesn't apply to anything EA related but most other companies seem to work like that. Consoles as a whole are slowly dieing off, I'd hazard a guess that the Xbox One and PS4 will be the last generation of gaming consoles.

I don't think MP itself is an evil, just the current implementation of it, I agree with most statements, fix SP then MP.

So given all that, what would you guys like to see in DW2? IF they fix up DW to be perfect SP what would be the point in a DW2? Aside from new lore, story line, etc.

Shark7 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/22/2013 2:17:58 PM)



Agreed on the AAA stuff, particularly with Console, unfortuantly that's where the money is, people play a single player games for it's hr base, say 10-20 hrs then forget it exists, whilst a multiplayer game people could play for hundreds of hours or more. As such entincing companies to make DLC and therefore make more money.

Of course this doesn't apply to anything EA related but most other companies seem to work like that. Consoles as a whole are slowly dieing off, I'd hazard a guess that the Xbox One and PS4 will be the last generation of gaming consoles.

I don't think MP itself is an evil, just the current implementation of it, I agree with most statements, fix SP then MP.

So given all that, what would you guys like to see in DW2? IF they fix up DW to be perfect SP what would be the point in a DW2? Aside from new lore, story line, etc.

Yep, SimCity 2013 is the PERFECT example of pointless MP that ruined the SP game. Then again, EA pertty much ruins anything they touch these days. [8|]

As to DW2, I'd like a new storyline along with a new universe, new systems (such as manufacturing), etc. I still don't mind a MP component being built into the game though.

elanaagain -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/22/2013 3:26:24 PM)

I would not care for a multilayer (against other users) game using the current DWxx game engine/environment. Prefer sandbox in a small galaxy (minimum stars, colonizable planets, and med size grid. A game against users in current environment would probably have timed moves in real time, and so favor those with quick reflexes, better keyboarding skills, and better hand eye coordination. However, if multiplayer - user games were implemented via 'email,' turn based, with conditional commands given (or orders given) I would be very interested. All players input moves for turn, (with mission paramenters designated for each 'force.' Then the host implements the moves in a simultaneous-move environment. Upon completion of running the si-move turn, the server/host then 'emails' the turn results to all players. Such an arraignment would require a vast rewriting of the game code, perhaps even a different engine?

buncheesy -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/22/2013 9:18:40 PM)

For me distant worlds is a 'real time pausable single player experience'. I add the extra bit because the whole turn based element is also on some players wish list. Given the nature of the game, throwing in multiplayer or a seperate turn based battle screen, would totally change the game so its no longer distant worlds.

Theres plenty of great turn based multplayer and perhaps real time strategy multiplayer games (I presume?...I dont play them, just Battlefield 3 occasionally for instant gratification/frustration!)

Shark7 -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/23/2013 12:29:31 AM)

Plus the fact that I just don't think I'd care for a turn based DW. It worked for MoO, but this is not MoO.

Ranbir -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/23/2013 11:33:45 AM)

I just want more expanded single player sandbox. More flavour, more events, more 'living galaxy' feel.

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/23/2013 8:18:58 PM)

I'll settle for an economic system I can understand, and less spaghetti coding.

Icemania -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/24/2013 11:26:04 AM)

And if we had MP, I'd very much like to keep an economic system that you don't understand ... [:D]

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/24/2013 4:43:52 PM)


An understandable economic system.

Icemania -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/25/2013 9:23:26 AM)

A reasonable component of it is understandable

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/25/2013 3:43:00 PM)

An unreasonable component of it is ununderstandable.

Icemania -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/26/2013 9:40:12 AM)

As I said, if that it is really what you think, bring on MP!!!

Plant -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/26/2013 4:19:51 PM)

OK! I challenge you to a game right now!

Lucian -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/26/2013 5:24:55 PM)



Let me put it this way: I don't mind having a MP component of the game so long as the SP does not suffer to make it happen.

I for one am sick of these so-called AAA titles that have no story-line and incomplete SP gameplay in the name of the all-mighty multiplayer. If you are making a game that revolves around MP, then it is an MMO and should not be sold as a single-player experience. This is more of a problem with console games than PC games, fortunately.

Pretty much sums up my feelings about MP as well.

Hawawaa -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/28/2013 3:04:28 AM)

I would love multiplayer, but single player and mod support first (keep these people happy ie they are in the majority) So adding multiplayer in last is fine in my book.

Raap -> RE: Is anyone actually interested in Multiplayer? (11/28/2013 1:31:22 PM)

Yeah, no thanks. A multiplayer game is fun now and then, but I'd prefer this one to focus everything on SP. I wouldn't mind better AI though.

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