gautebirkeli -> Saving oil limited to one per hex (11/20/2013 9:20:41 PM)
Hi, I am playing a global war game where I am only allowed to store one oil point per hex. The same seems to be true for storing BP, even in the capital. I could work around the problem by storing one oil point in each city/port all over Canada, but I am not able to override the target location for storing the oil. The Venezuela oils are stuck at sending to Vancouver, Winnipeg and Yarmuth even when I override to send to other cities. Does anyone know how to work around this? The problem started after I updated the game with patch 2 or 3 (don't remember exactly). By the way, the shipping of resources seems very odd at times. For example, in order for France to be able to give the Indo-China resource to China, I have to idle all French resources in France and Africa before the game lets me send the Indo-China resource. I then have to override the idled resources back to production. Same for British oil to China. The game consistently tries to send the Canada oil as first priority. Its always a hassle to have the Burma oil sent to China. It would be great if there was a way the lender could choose exactly which resource to send. Gaute B