Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Cannot Restore a Saved NETPLAY Game (11/24/2013 8:36:25 PM)
ORIGINAL: Rorschachnor My friend and I have tested this since 1.02 but we have not been able to restore our netplay games. We find each other and get the ok button but then nothing happens. What we DO manage to do is open identical autosaves. But then we end up being the same major power and working simultaneously with the same window and the same counters :p WEIRD!! The saved games on the two computers are different. One is for the Axis player and the other is for the Allied player. If you sent the other player a copy of the saved game, then this is the result that I would expect. But if that is not the case, ... 1 - what scenario, turn, phase, subphase, etc. were you in? 2 - was there anything unusal happening in the game when the save was made? 3 - was this an autosave or one that you requested the program make?