Looking for two players (Full Version)

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kombrig -> Looking for two players (11/27/2013 3:45:37 PM)

Rander and I are planning to try the kombrig mod. http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3275661&mpage=1&key=

We are looking for two more players for a 2vs2 game. Large map.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Looking for two players (11/28/2013 12:19:37 AM)

Count me in great MOD

Rander -> RE: Looking for two players (11/30/2013 12:45:53 AM)

Welcome, ironduke. [:)]

ironduke1955 -> RE: Looking for two players (12/1/2013 12:48:30 AM)


Welcome, ironduke.

Thanks Rander I had a question from the last game to do with Armored Cars, particularly their off road movement. I found them to be perhaps too maneuverable, especially off road considering they are not tracked vehicles. This made it very tempting to use them as breakout units able to penetrate deep into enemy territory a lot faster than tank units, that added to their high recon value, made them feel for the period overpowered. I have not checked the historical context so they may indeed be correct.

Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Looking for two players (12/1/2013 5:45:39 PM)

If you're having trouble finding a fourth player and don't mind having a noob as the 4th, I'd be willing to give it a try. If you do decide to have me as the 4th, I would agree to be replaced after the game starts if you do find someone willing to play who is more experienced. I already have a Dropbox account if that's how you transfer save files.

kombrig -> RE: Looking for two players (12/2/2013 4:43:31 PM)

Great! No need to replace anyone once the game have started.

I propose the following teams: a) kombrig, Jonathan Pollard b) Rander, ironduke

I'm afraid I can't set up a game before Sunday because I'm leaving off for some travelling (will be back by Sunday). The other possibility is maybe that Rander will set up the game, so he and ironduke can make their moves until I return. Anyway I will send Rander the game file and ask if he agrees.

Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Looking for two players (12/2/2013 5:13:18 PM)

Where can I download the mod? I couldn't find it in the mods section of the scenario bank, and when I searched for all designs by kombrig, I couldn't find any there.

If you need my email address it's olegkis(at)hotmail(d0t)c0m

Rander -> RE: Looking for two players (12/2/2013 11:04:59 PM)

Welcome, Jonathan!

All perfect for me.
Kombrig, make you the set-up, so you can make it with any option you want to test on the mod.

Also we have to create a folder on Dropbox.
Jonathan, the mod is in beta stage and is not avaiable on the scenario bank (I think). We will put the file on the Dropbox folder.


kombrig -> RE: Looking for two players (12/8/2013 6:48:46 PM)

Ok, I uploaded the first turn and invited everybody to the dropbox folder.

Turn order:

Kombrig - Kaliphate (8 raw, 10 minor oil, 3 major oil)
Jonathan Pollard - Middle Kingdom (7 Raw, 8 minor oil, 4 major oil)
Rander or Ironduke - Nippon (7 raw, 10 minor oil, 3 major oil)
Rander or Ironduke - Orleans (8 Raw, 8 minor oil, 4 major oil)

Everybody have capital+10 cities.

I edited the map quite heavily in order to balance it.

I propose that Rander/Ironduke can be the first to declare war on turn 4. If they will not declare on turn 4, then we have the right to declare from turn 5.

Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Looking for two players (12/8/2013 8:18:50 PM)

I received turn 001a.at2 and the map file but not the mod in my Dropbox. Does the saved turn automatically include the mod?

EDIT: Apparently the save file does include the mod. I compared the recon value of an unmodded armored car to its value in the save file, and the save file value is much larger.

Tac2i -> RE: Looking for two players (12/8/2013 10:32:14 PM)

If Kombrig's mod does not include any new graphics or other external assets you may be ok, otherwise you would need to install Kombrig's mod. Based on what I read about his mod it appears everything is probably contained within the save game file.

Rander -> RE: Looking for two players (12/8/2013 11:23:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jonathan Pollard

I received turn 001a.at2 and the map file but not the mod in my Dropbox. Does the saved turn automatically include the mod?

EDIT: Apparently the save file does include the mod. I compared the recon value of an unmodded armored car to its value in the save file, and the save file value is much larger.

Have a nice game!


Jonathan Pollard -> RE: Looking for two players (12/9/2013 4:19:14 AM)

Thanks Rander. I finished my turn without any apparent problems and uploaded the save file in the Dropbox folder. It's Nippon's turn next.

kombrig -> RE: Looking for two players (12/9/2013 7:22:10 AM)

Yep, the whole mod is included in the save file. No need for extra download.

ironduke1955 -> RE: Looking for two players (12/9/2013 1:05:10 PM)

Rander will be playing the 3rd turn Nippon and I will take the 4th turn Orleans. There is a complete set of our battle plans with a 4 star general travelling between the cities of Orleans and Naka. If you get your spies there quickly enough you can intercept them.

assuming Rander is happy with this arrangement should have added this

Rander -> RE: Looking for two players (12/9/2013 11:21:13 PM)

Ok, perfect.

I'm going to play now :)


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