Omnius -> Nanchang Japanese Supply Bermuda Triangle (12/5/2013 4:39:43 PM)
There is a supply problem in China for the Japanese player around Nanchang, hex 84,145. I had the Japanese Umezu HQ in Nanchang and found it wouldn't stay in supply, some phases it looked to be in supply while in others it showed as being out of supply. I started Umezu near hex 83,147 and made sure to change all of the Chinese rail lines between there and Nanchang to Japanese control along both rail lines. I even had convoy points in the sea area adjacent to Shanghai and on some turns transports. Somehow the Umezu HQ was not being allowed to always trace supply back along the now Japanese controlled rail lines back to Shanghai. I even brought in the Terauchi HQ to set up in hex 83,147 so that Umezu could trace a basic supply path of 4 hexes back to Teracuhci and Terauchi could trace a basic supply path of 3 hexes back to Shanghai, leaving one extra hex for sea transport of supply. Even that didn't get supply flowing to Umezu in every phase. Finally I think it was markb50k who suggested to me to save the game in a Japanese phase, like movement or land combat declaration, in order for the program to recalculate supply for Umezu thus putting him properly in supply and that worked. Unfortunately I discovered that recalculating the supply for Japan in the land combat declaration phase didn't carry over to the combat phase unless you chose that Japanese combat first. I made the mistake of choosing a German combat first and after it concluded I was told the Japanese combat was illegal and cancelled because of no supply. I was able to finally get my Japanese units in hexes 84,143 and 85,143 to attack Changsha. I was able to have the Yamamoto HQ in supply from Canton all the time but he never traveled more than two hexes from Canton, yet. There is some kind of map problem between Changsha and Shanghai, somehow the program isn't correctly and reliably tracing supply properly from HQ's around Nanchang to Shanghai along the rail line. Perhaps because there's two adjacent rail lines running along two of the hexes the program is somehow sometimes trying to trace from one rail hex to an adjacent rail hex that's obviously not connected and not always tracing along connected rail lines. I hope this gets fixed soon. Omnius