AndyF -> RE: Replacing original editions of Armageddon's Song (5/31/2014 5:45:19 AM)
I am afraid that the place names may be real but the terrain was in my head for a large chunk of the series. With parts of the books, in Crossing the Rubicon, such as Moruya, and the Macquarie Pass, in New South Wales, Australia, I had Google Earth up on the screen, flipping between satellite photos and 'street view' so the story runs true to the terrain, likewise the action in French Guiana in half of volume 3. The Battle of the Wesernitz in Volume 1, Leipzig Airport, The Elbe, etc, were written way back in 2002, pre-Google Earth days, so too was much of action in Volume 3, which was from a lost floppy disc that I rediscovered by accident, so half the book was written in 2013 and half was from 2003. The Vormundberg battle was written without Google Earth recons, even though that was penned last year, because we had the big earthquake followed closely by the largest storm in recorded human history here, so there was no internet and no power grid for quite a while. My Solar Gorilla recharged my laptop every few hours. The 8 year hiatus was due to my going from 24 years as a street cop, into an office in 2004 as the operation planner for a chunk of London, plus the role of TV and Film liaison officer, and that of Emergency Contingency Planner (Bird Flu Pandemic planning was a nightmare), and CT Rep was tagged on by a boss who liked to put his feet up for the large part of his day, so my not very big brain was full to capacity and the book gathered dust until after my retirement and the taking on of the financing of my father-in-laws medical treatment when his insurance ran dry. My writing is a bit better than it was ten years ago so I am currently correcting a very bad volume 1. [image]local://upfiles/47655/10CF4DDC9BCA44AD952A8306C6D840A4.jpg[/image]