Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (Full Version)

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Kathi51! -> Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 3:23:16 PM)

Dear All,

watching the very nicely done video tutorial 6, I stumbled across something I found rather puzzling.

Steve is just explaining the summary of unit/ hex under the cursor in the main form and moves to a german 4 stack hex.

Then we see ( and Steve tells us too ) LAtt 7, LDef 14 which does not really make sense to me ( thereīs a 6 strength inf as top counter ). What kind of units could the 6 strength unit be stacked with to run up to these factors.

Furthermore the display seems to indicate no air factors. So how could the hex stack 4 units?

What might I be missing?

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance!

Zorachus99 -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 4:22:17 PM)

You are doubled in Swamp and Mountain hexes for example.

Mountain units are tripled in defense in mountain hexes.

Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 7:52:54 PM)

Hi Zorachus,


Sadly enough - no swamps or mountains in Belgium. Itīs a clear hex.

That wonīt do the trick. Furthermore thereīs the stacking thing.

Best regards

paulderynck -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 7:54:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kathi51!

Dear All,

watching the very nicely done video tutorial 6, I stumbled across something I found rather puzzling.

Steve is just explaining the summary of unit/ hex under the cursor in the main form and moves to a german 4 stack hex.

Then we see ( and Steve tells us too ) LAtt 7, LDef 14 which does not really make sense to me ( thereīs a 6 strength inf as top counter ). What kind of units could the 6 strength unit be stacked with to run up to these factors.

Furthermore the display seems to indicate no air factors. So how could the hex stack 4 units?

What might I be missing?

Can anybody help?

Thankīs in advance!

Are the potential attackers across a river?

Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:03:02 PM)

Hi Paul,

Iīd have to look, but across a river would be attacker halved - not the other way around - I guess.

And the stacking thing doesnīt make sense any way you look at it. I just closed the tutorial, but I recall Steve explicitly saying " the hex contains 4 units " and something in the way of - no air units.

A puzzle...

Best regards

warspite1 -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:06:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kathi51!

Dear All,

watching the very nicely done video tutorial 6, I stumbled across something I found rather puzzling.

Steve is just explaining the summary of unit/ hex under the cursor in the main form and moves to a german 4 stack hex.

Then we see ( and Steve tells us too ) LAtt 7, LDef 14 which does not really make sense to me ( thereīs a 6 strength inf as top counter ). What kind of units could the 6 strength unit be stacked with to run up to these factors.

Furthermore the display seems to indicate no air factors. So how could the hex stack 4 units?

What might I be missing?

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance!


Where (what time) does this appear in the tutorial - I'd like to take a look, see if I can help. What is it that makes you think there are no aircraft in the stack?

paulderynck -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:13:41 PM)

Good point on the river, my bad. OK how about anti-tank or AA units that are doubled against potential Armor/Mech units? (C'mon I'm dyin' here - throw me a bone! [:)])

Of maybe the Tutorial was done back when there was some kind of a bug in the game that since has been eradicated. Some of them were done quite awhile ago.

michaelbaldur -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:17:39 PM)

there is a port in that hex ..

maybe a captured convoy

and one of the land units in the hex is disrupted, so 7 attack/14 defence

Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:20:13 PM)

Hi Warspite,

I put it in the header but now I see that itīs not fully displayed.

Itīs 0:58:35 ff.

Best regards

warspite1 -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:28:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kathi51!

Hi Warspite,

I put it in the header but now I see that itīs not fully displayed.

Itīs 0:58:35 ff.

Best regards

Well that's clear! No aircraft and no ships.... paulderynck maybe right that this was done sometime ago and was not bug free when recorded. Or could it be a fort?

Orm -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:28:29 PM)

I think Michael got it. A disorganized land unit is certain. Then it might be a disorganized naval or air unit.

Something like in this picture.


Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:34:07 PM)

Hi Paul,

I tried to work on the AA/ AT assumption too. Math doesnīt work out. Furthermore - as far as I can see - we are not in the land attack phase. Itīs general information about the hex ( I would think so - at least ).

Maybe a bug, maybe long gone... - but I am very careful here, after all the "bug reports" - a bug ... a bug ... - which turned out to be - oops didnīt quite have the rules present.

Going through MWIF Iīve stumbled across at least a dozen items ( some not small ) that I didnīt "get" in 20 years of wiffing - and I should have, knowing some guys who really know their way around the game.

Best regards

Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 8:45:20 PM)

Hi Michael (and Orm),

that makes sense - thanks!

No bug and I have not gone mad.

What a day!


michaelbaldur -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 9:05:09 PM)

just ask me .. Mwif expert [:D]

Kathi51! -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 9:26:38 PM)

Iīll take you up on that...

And mind you - there will be a lot of questions.

Setting up the hardware on monday...

But jokes aside - from all I see to this point - itīs a beauty isnīt it!!!

michaelbaldur -> RE: Land attack factors-LAtt/ Land defence factors- LDef/ stacking limits- Video Tutorial 6 0:58:35 ff (12/7/2013 10:43:02 PM)

you just PM me with questions ..

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