Q-Ball -> RE: Huzzah! (12/30/2013 12:18:56 AM)
Feb 1863 It's been a bit since I posted; overall, it was not a very active winter, as bad weather and snow basically halted most of my operations for 3 months. Tennessee in particular was snow covered for a solid 6 turns, with freezing in the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. STATUS: Gunnulf kindly did a headcount, and I shared mine. We counted mobile formations, excluding garrisons, forts, fixed militias. Union Army has 318,000 at the new year, and the Rebs have 259,000. The ratio in the Objectives screen is higher, at 1.4 to 1, but the Union numbers on that are inflated by the Navy, and also certain Union garrisons that are pretty useless (like Boston). The current ratio feels about right in terms of mobile troops; I have enough of an advantage to win some ground, but not enough to run over the south. At the current trajectory, my advantage should grow, forcing him to make increasingly tough choices on what to defend and what not. That would feel like real life. In terms of the game, I think I was outplayed in 1862, particularly that attack in West Tennessee in July; that defeat halted Grant's army for a solid 2 months, and by the time we had recovered, the path to Memphis was blocked. That was well done. At the moment, the only signifcant objectives in CSA states I hold are El Paso, Corinth, Island 10, and Jacksonville, FL. The Rebs hold Harpers Ferry, Springfield MO, Jeff City. I do hold the forts at the head of the Mississippi, which blockades New Orleands; that's helpful. In terms of builds, both of us have punched all treasury options, and bought or drafted recruits to round out our armies. I have purchased alot of artillery, and my production is higher, though I also have to buy more Wagons and Flatboats for supply purposes than he does. EAST The biggest battle was out east, where the Army of the Potomac finally crossed it's namesake, and drove the Rebels out of Fairfax. Lyon was moved to take command, having satisfied our HR with McClellan shunted aside. In his place, I thought about Grant, but decided on Lyon as our man. He is a 4-2-2 as an 3*, not a world beater, but certainly an upgrade over Little Mac. The other factor is that with all the coastal operations (see below), Gunnulf has thinned out the AnV. Jackson has 1800 AV at Harpers Ferry, leaving Lee and Longstreet with 4000 AV or so around Fairfax, which turned out to be about 45,000 troops. Lyon crossed the Potomac with other 90,000 men, and you can see the result below. Next steps are to clear Alexandria, and keep attacking the AnV until they stop me. At that point, I'll likely have to reorganize, and prioritize clearing the Valley first before heading further south toward Richmond. Once I am on the Rappahannock, I think I can keep him pinned enough there to re-take Winchester and Harpers Ferry. TENNESSEE This theater of operations has been fairly quiet; I'll post more of a Map when we start to move. We have a line of Corps at the gates of Memphis, from Osceola, AK, to Holly Springs and Corinth. I have Corps under Thomas, Crittenden, and Meager, with the largest under Thomas. This is the core of Grant's army, and we face roughly 45,000 men or so under Beauregard around Memphis (total Reb AV is 3500-ish) Further north, we have a Depot at Decaturville, which is supplied via Columbus. Meade's Corps as at Dover, and on the other side of the Cumberland Rosecran's Army of the Cumberland occupies the area around Bowling Green with 40,000 men or so in 2 Corps, under Hamilton and Gilbert. The Rebs have roughly 35,000 in another army under AS Johnston around Nashville. Smaller forces guard the Tennessee river further south around Tuscumbia, where Holmes has a small Corps, plus a Cavalry division under Jo Shelby. I plan to move along the Tennessee river in Alabama, to force him out of central Tennessee, and threaten Chattanooga. Meanwhile, I need to get into Arkansas to get him out of Memphis. More on this later, but bad weather has precluded more than some prelimiary moves. I did get Meade promoted to 2*, so that really helps; he is a good Corps commander. COASTAL OPERATIONS We had some successes on the coast, but also suffered some reverses as well. 2 Divisions under Hood and Richard Anderson appeared suddenly, and booted me out of Apalachicola and Bainbridge, the production centers I took. I am loathe to lose Ft. Gaines, as I think i can keep troops pinned as long as I hold it, so we fell back, and are in a bit of stalemate there. I occupied Jacksonville, FL, using a division under John Reynolds. I used him because I want to get him promoted, he has gained some seniority but no luck yet. A third division just appeared under AP Hill, but found us too strong to boot from Jacksonville. Finally, we landed a small force at Plymouth, NC, and also took Swan Quarter. I am taking some easy to take ports to keep the Blockade % in the 45% to 50% range. Apparently, even these small ports add to the blockade %. Though I have had a couple setbacks, we are at least drawing troops from elsewhere, which I think facilitated the victory at Fairfax. MISSOURI: Gunnulf still holds Jeff City; highly irritating, and he has committed alot of builds to this theater; he has something like 2000 AV in central Missouri. That's alot! We managed, via Partisans, to torch his depots at Fayetteville, Springfield, and Ft. Smith. So, I don't think he has the supplies to stay long once I move. Even better, once I chase him southward, I can redeploy my forces more quickly, while he has a long trip to Little Rock if he wants to re-use those forces elsewhere. I have an army of around 25,000 assembled in St. Louis area, under Buell, organized in two army Corps. My leadership in Missouri is certainly nothing special. FAR WEST: We still stare at each other, he at Mesilla, me at El Paso. I have enough supplies now, so I am content to simply wait it out. I did send Sickels to California to take command of some Militia units and bring them to Tuscon. [image]local://upfiles/6931/2CE956C124D84313972C9CD97DC9C3C6.jpg[/image]