Ron Saueracker -> (1/25/2003 9:52:16 PM)
Grotious. I meant 4e bombers set at 1000 ft or lower. Unless you have some crack Lancasters and a dam to bomb.:) Night ops. I just don't like the fact that night ops are too common and way too effective(vs bases) at the moment. While this is probably going to be addressed, until it is, I'd prefer night ops limited to naval attack and to units which are dedicated to night ops (P70s etc). Sub basing restrictions are there simply to loosely simulate the need for adequate facilities to support subs. Right now, one can load torps etc. at any port, even if it is a fallen palm tree with a native clutching a legnth of line.:) Sub stacking. While this seems to be used to alleviate the lack of "in transit intercept capability" for subs, I believe there are enough "at sea" choke points to merit the no stacking rule. Otherwise, bases turn into colloseums.