Philkian -> Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Updated to v 1.36 (12/13/2013 3:00:23 PM)
Matrix Games and Western Civilization Software ( are happy to announce the release of the v1.36 update for the critically-acclaimed World War 2 tactical wargame Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! The v1.36 update contains numerous bug fixes and improvements, most important of which is full multiplayer compatibility with the released version of Storms of Steel. This update brings Awakening the Bear owners up to the same level as Storms of Steel in terms of bug fixes and improvements, but does not include all the new features, units and scenarios from Ghost Divisions and Storms of Steel. It also features many other improvements: an audio notification when a player posts a new chat message in lobby, easier tutorial scenarios, terrain sculpting in the editor, improved handling of group and loaded unit effects and more. The update also offers also two Rules Changes: when the target of a Rally Attempt or Auto Rally card is in an active group, the entire group is the target of the card and in the Classic AP playstyle, using the pass action now finishes the activation of the currently selected unit(s). For the full changelog, check below: v1.36 December 13, 2013 • Improvements o Added check box to allow game to play system beep whenever a player posts a new chat message in lobby. o Added preference to allow all units to be displayed above all scenery models. o Now positioning carried units atop the unit carrying them (chit view). o Extra 1d6 APs card now gives APs to all units in group. However it adds them as if from CAPs, so these APs are lost if the group is disbanded. o Interface now shows name of carried unit on the unit tooltip. o Added some missing damage types (including Berserk). o In tutorial scenarios the AI no longer receives extra units or CAPs regardless of difficulty settings. o Added preference for "Brown Height Shading." Note that this preference may not take effect until the game is reloaded. o Added terrain sculpting controls to the editor. o Enter "sculpting mode" from the Terrain menu. Use left and right mouse buttons to raise and lower terrain in a hex. o Added hot keys ">" and "<" to raise and lower terrain respectively. o Use "Editor | Rebuild Height" to smooth the terrain heights. o Improved the chit model and added a system of dynamic numbers on the chit, so that if a unit's statistics change during play the numbers on the chit will reflect this change. o Added "Board Game Style Maps" and "Giant Maps" preference which allows the original ATB firefights to be played with board game style maps. • Rules Changes o The target of a Rally Attempt or Auto Rally card is in an active group, the entire group is the target of the card. o In Classic APs, using the pass action now finishes the activation of the currently selected unit(s). • Bug Fixes o Fixed load button being enabled when unit is immobilize. o Fixed transparent map issue. o Changed font in game news. o Group pivot cost is now 1 AP. o Group activating a unit will now add the unit carried or the carrier unit to the o group o Group hiding now properly hides all valid members of the group. o Added Pz38t to Monsters (including tutorial version) o PageUp/Down should work for top-down camera. o Firing no longer works during bonus move. o Tutorials should clear when exiting scenario early. o Fixed crash bugs. o Now can’t load two units onto one unit. o Fixed extra action card and CAP bugs when loading save from within the game. o Shouldn’t get VPs for destroying own units. o Group should stay selected in the middle of move when left-clicking on ground. o Fixed Group hiding and pivot. o APC should be tracked not wheeled. (May not be changed in all firefights.) o Buttons should not press when interface is hidden. o Fixed Multiplayer save game directory error on certain machines. o Seeding random number generator from clock. o Fixed a bug in which groups suffering casualties could incorrectly become spent o Fixed a bug in which a spent unit could become attached to a group during a Command or CAPs action and incorrectly become unspent o Command actions with groups were sometimes deactivating units after the action. o Command actions with groups were calculating the cost of actions incorrectly. o Units low on APs could not fire during group fire. o Units added to a group with Classic AP rules now receive the current APs of the group. o Fixed button problem on victory screen for smaller width monitors o Fix for bug randomizing quality of units carrying over between firefights of a campaign o Fixes a few minor things pertinent to the Ghost Divisions. o Numerous bug fixes including a significant improvement to memory management that should reduce out-of-memory crashes o Improved some memory usage and garbage collection methods. The v1.36 update is comprehensive and will bring all versions of Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! to v1.36. To download the update, players can run “Check for Update” via the game menu or on the game’s download page. Get more information on Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! from its official product page.