USMCGrunt -> (3/7/2001 7:07:00 AM)
Let's not forget a few critical military ones.
FIIGMO - (F*** It, I Got My Orders) Usually used around the time of your EAS (End of Active Service) and not the guy in the posts.
AMF - Also called Alpha Mike Foxtrot. Used to end a radio conversation when you just got the short end of the stick. Stood for Adios Mother F***ers.
Have to agree with Randy, BOHICA was one we used a lot.
Some other common USMC ones in no particular order are:
FAP - Fleet Assistance Program (Getting assigned as an MP, range coach, etc)
TAD - Temporary Additional Duty
BC - Battalion Commander
UA - Unauthorized Abscence (USMC version of AWOL)
UDP - Unit Deployment Program (6 month overseas tour)
FNG - F***ing New Guy
AO - Area of Operations
BIOYA - Blow It Out Your A**
FMF - Fleet Marine Forces
MEB - Marine Expeditionary Brigade
MEU(SOC) - Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)
MEF - Marine Expeditionary Force
BAS - Battalion Aid Station
FAC - Forward Air Controller
STA Platoon - Surveillance and Target Acquisition Platoon (Battalion Sniper Teams)
ANGLICO - Air/Naval Gunnery LIason COmpany
SRIG - Special Reconnaisance/Intelligence Group
CIT - Counter Intelligence Team
FDC - Fire Direction Center (For plotting arty)
SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon
ATG - Anti-Tank Gun
ATGM - Anti-Tank Guided Missile
LAAW - Light Anti-Armor Weapon
SMEAC - (aka the 5 Paragraph Order) Situation, Mission, Equipment, Admin/logostics, Command/signals (This was used when writing warning orders in preparation for an operation.)
BAMCIS - (Used when operation planning) Begin planning, Arrange recon, Make recon, Continue planning, Implement, Supervise
BST/EST Book - (aka the Green Monster) The Marine Corps Battle Skills Training/Essential Subject Training manual. (Everyone got one and most lost them when they could manage)
and finally
J.J. DID TIE BUCKLE (This was used to remember the 14 leadership traits.) Let's see if anyone can guess what they are. Bonus points for naming the most important one. (This was a standard question on any Meritorious Promotion Board that I sat on.)
-When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight.
[This message has been edited by USMCGrunt (edited March 06, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by USMCGrunt (edited March 06, 2001).]