82charlie -> [FIXED BY 1.08] 127mm gun on USS Stockdale (12/24/2013 12:26:20 PM)
I have a few questions about the 127mm gun on USS Stockdale in Basic Training: Warship Operations using v1.02 Build 480. 1) I have HECVT loaded on mount, but I want to use HiCap instead. Under HiCap, text in red states that Weapon is not loaded on mount. I allocate it anyway and it fires away. After it starts firing, I check back for suitable weapons. There I see that both HECVT and WP have OK-can fire, but HiCap is still listed as not loaded on mount, despite its shells landing on towed arty. bty. target and the ammo counter is decreasing. There is only one 127mm mount, so there should only be one type of ammo available to fire. 2) How come that 127mm gun can fire on towed arty. bty. over that high ridge that is protecting it to its east, but cannot fire over the island on that Soviet ship.