Hanal -> Automatic Advance After Retreat Nuisance (12/26/2013 3:16:44 PM)
One aspect of this game that always annoyed me is when my attacking unit automatically advances after the defender retreats. I need to use the undo button to bring the unit back but there are times when the undo button is not available. In a most recent example, during the Polish campaign where I need to defend key city objectives, my 12 strength unit was defending a city but being attacked by 3 Polish units. Seeing that the Polish cavalry was on my right flank and on a river, I attacked it which resulted in large losses and a retreat. Unfortunately my unit left the entrenched objective city and entered the now vacant, and vulnerable river hex. Because my unit was now also adjacent to a new Polish unit as well, I could not use the undo button to bring it back into the objective hex city. Bottom line, under no circumstances should the game make the advance after combat decision for me, it should always be my option whether or not I want to do so. I hope this will be considered for a future patch. I am referring to the iPad mega campaign version of the game.