Shannon V. OKeets -> NetPlay Saved Games (12/27/2013 8:34:26 PM)
I am collecting saved games for NetPlay problems. I've already received a few but I would like to have as many as I can get. Debugging MWIF almost always requires me to first reproduce the problem the player encountered. To do that, I start with restoring a saved game. Now for Solitaire and Head-to-head games, I have thousands of saved games and can usually find one that is close to what the player was running when he ran into a problem. Of course, having the actual game the player used is even better, but for the most part, I can make do with the library of saved games I already have (close to 10,000 by now). But for NetPlay, my library is rather sparse, several hundred. That's because I need to have two saved games, one on each of the computers I use to run NetPlay. Given all the optional rules, scenarios, phases of the game, and possible die rolls during combat, that really doesn't come close to covering the possibilities of what players may be running when they have trouble. So, ... I would appreciate it if when you encounter a problem with NetPlay that you create a post in this thread and attach a zipped file containing: your saved games (one from each player) with instructions on how to reproduce the problem. A short description of where the problem occurred as part of the post would be nice. For example: DOW - US Entry, Ground Strike - Antiaircraft fire, Naval Combat - Air-to-air combat, etc. This will let me reproduce on my computers the exact same thing you saw on your computers. Then I can fix the problem you had. Even better, it will enable me to test my modifications to make sure they solve the problem. To repeat myself, what I could really use whenever you have trouble with NetPlay is: 1 - a post to this thread with a short description 2 - an attached zipped file containing: (1) Axis player's saved game, (2) Allied player's saved game, and (3) instructions on how to reproduce the problem. The instructions may need to include die rolls and player decisions for complicated combats. I thank you for any help you can provide.[&o]