Fourth Expansion? (Full Version)

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DevildogFF -> Fourth Expansion? (12/31/2013 1:04:17 AM)

I read the interview you all did with Adam Solo of and I know you're hard at work on a fourth expansion (instabuy for me), but you stated that you thought you'd be done by the end of 2013. Obviously, that is not the case, but I'm curious about what's in store for us and if you've released any official information.

Obviously, I've done some searching, but I was unable to find anything more than vague references. Can you please give us some spoilers and maybe an updated release window?


PS: I've sunk hundreds of hours in to DW in all its forms. You guys are awesome!

Icemania -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (12/31/2013 11:10:29 PM)

Agree it's time for some teasers from Matrix.

I'm still very much in the camp of preferring a big and bold Distant Worlds 2 (which is more deeply moddable from the start).

I really like what the GalCiv3 team are doing with progressively providing more information about the game in advance.

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 8:20:07 AM)

spoil 2 much,and the game won't deliver "wow" at releas.
NEVER reveal more than 20% content of the game.
and always hide big pieces,but give teasers about it.
take DA3 for example. it know that i will be open world,that i will play as a special force templar and there will be sieges,there will be morrigan and such,but that's just like 10-20% of the content(including mechanics) and i'm already wet and want it.
reveal more and i'll be like "cool,but meh,maybe when there will be 60%~ sales on steam)" because i already know what to expect from the game.
BUT that's just me,the man with 10 year of gamming. new gamers maybe less caring about "wow" effect and will buy more if they will know more (like show all pokemons in the game,and kids will buy it. show none and no one will buy it)

Icemania -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 10:19:58 AM)

I don't think we've quite hit 20% yet Mad Igor. Or any previous expansion for that matter!

feygan -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 12:34:55 PM)



spoil 2 much,and the game won't deliver "wow" at releas.
NEVER reveal more than 20% content of the game.
and always hide big pieces,but give teasers about it.
take DA3 for example. i know that i will be open world,that i will play a special force templar and there will be seages,there will be morrigan and such,but that's just like 10-20% of the content(including mechanics) and i'm already wet and want it.
reveal more and i'll be like "cool,but meh,maybe when there will be 60%~ sales on steam)" because i already know what to expect from the game.
BUT that's just me,the man with 10 year of gamming. new gamers maybe less caring about "wow" effect and will buy more if they will know more (like show all pokemons in the game,and kids will buy it. show none and no one will buy it)

Have to disagree there, all too often aspects of games are kept quiet when they could only add to the anticipation of the product. If there is a overall storyline then sure keep that all under wraps, but as far as game features go the more open you can be the better.

elanaagain -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 3:02:00 PM)

agree with Feygan

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 7:33:25 PM)

to his each own as i already said it.
old gamers prefer something unexpected(no,not land strafe ships like in rome 2 pre patched),because when you play games for 10+ years,there are few things that can surprise you,and SURPRISE what is entertaining (like a good twist in the storyline).
this is the same reason why i love and was hooked up by DW. it was new to me. gameplay,automicromanage mechanis,economy and so on. it's cold and dark,yet it's full of rusprises,you never know what to expect in the next system. exploring unseen what is entertaining ! and if you saw it in some dev post,then what is there to explore ?? nothing,and nothing to explore means there is nothing to surprise you.

Deathball -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 8:20:57 PM)



to his each own as i already said it.
old gamers prefer something unexpected(no,not land strafe ships like in rome 2 pre patched),because when you play games for 10+ years,there are few things that can surprise you,and SURPRISE what is entertaining (like a good twist in the storyline).
this is the same reason why i love and was hooked up by DW. it was new to me. gameplay,automicromanage mechanis,economy and so on. it's cold and dark,yet it's full of rusprises,you never know what to expect in the next system. exploring unseen what is entertaining ! and if you saw it in some dev post,then what is there to explore ?? nothing,and nothing to explore means there is nothing to surprise you.

I've been playing games for about 20 years and in this age of full price alphas and casualization I want to know as much as possible about a game before I buy it because buying a game for 50€ that I won't play more than 2 hours is financially irresponsible. If you have your own opinion thats fine but don't present it as some universal "old gamers like this".

As to the expansion, so far we know its called DW Universe, they're beta testing it and it'll focus on modability. Since the call for beta testers went out back in early October I imagine it would be released early 2014.

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/1/2014 10:16:19 PM)

i never said about universal(i should mention,that i was talking about gamers with big and long gamming expiriance,not just play a game every year and call it oldfag),nor i did said anything about bugs,i said about INTENDED features. i didn't said it straight,but no need to be a sherlock to see that.
if you care about quality,there are always review sites with rating.
poor games usually have tons of red feedbacks where all major bugs are pointed out.
plus there is demos(not always,but sometimes they are) i have major drop of interest in the game that is spoiled hard,but also next to no interest in the game,that have NO info about it.
if you play games for long and every existing genre,then new games happens to be repetitive,and you want some entertainment,which is not possible while you know 2 much about the game and already can predict rest of the gameplay,and most of the time when you got the game it's as you think it would be,then all fun just vanish.
i still play DW only because it's unique,there are just NO games like it arround (SINs is not DW,similarity only in the color of space)

Icemania -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 1:00:14 PM)

Mad Igor, I suspect the vast majority of this forum has a lot more than 10 years gaming experience. My 5 year old is already a boss in Clash of Clans (amongst other games) and the little turkey was giving me tips the other day ... he'll have 10 years gaming experience before he finishes puberty! I mean no disrespect, my point is that the target audience needs to be considered when selecting what approach to take as a developer, and the target audience for Distant Worlds is clearly not inexperienced gamers.

I agree very strongly with what others have already stated. I would also prefer to have vastly more information available up-front and indeed at least some opportunity to comment on planned key features. There are plenty of examples where this is increasingly common, consider Galactic Civilisations 3 for example. When done well, this can greatly encourage a more active community to support the game and help the developer in making informed feature selection decisions.

By all means be selective about what is revealed and what is discussed. But to stay quiet and the rely on the almost non-existent reviews of Distant Worlds would be the worst possible approach to take for this game.

DevildogFF -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 2:45:23 PM)

Some really good points have been made and I think it's just time:

Give us some information!!!! :)

DevildogFF -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 2:46:00 PM)

Oh, and to add my two cents, I've been gaming for about 25 years. I'm only 31.

Canute0 -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 3:34:28 PM)

Don't give us informations !!!!!!!!
Finish the game and surprise us.

PsyKoSnake -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 3:38:11 PM)

One of my best game.

DevildogFF -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 10:47:52 PM)

I'm going to keep posting until we get SOMETHING!

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 11:01:14 PM)

lol,you just totaly ignored most of what i worte excpet "don't give us info" or i dunno.
i said 20%~ is prefectly ok,so game ownt be spiled so much,that you'd know about it like you already played it.
i find those 20% perfect just beacuse most of the games IF spoiled above it tend to drop my interest.
and let's not forget,that most of the ppls that own DW games don't even bother to register on the forum,so there probably more than just me with this point of view. with 20% YOU(as you want more info than just that) won't be fully satisfied with that,but you will get enough of info to get the picture of what game it will be without taking out suprisemuthafuka stuff.
devs also can give hints or teaser that don't directly show or point out anything.
plus this will generate a lots of trafic to the forum and speculations will overflow (which can generate more interest from other ppls).
PS: those 20% just for avarge amount of game content. if game is REALLY big with content,then 20% will be far from covering anything :-) but i yet to see that game. and let's not forget,that almost all games have listed "features" which is TEASERS. they don't spoil almost nothing,but point to stuff that will be in the game.

hewwo -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/2/2014 11:58:31 PM)

I just want to know what and when! Everything!

Spidey -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 12:04:39 AM)

Igor, I think the problem is that you're basing everything off of what you personally want. YOU find 20% perfect, but what about everybody else? You don't like any kind of spoilers about the gameplay but what about everybody else? Let's not pretend that what you want is also what everybody wants, okay?


i find those 20% perfect just beacuse most of the games IF spoiled above it tend to drop my interest.

I find those 20% useless because it simply doesn't tell me enough about what I'm paying for. I want to know what kind of gameplay I'm investing in and I want to know if the difficulty is based on button dexterity, cookie cutter approaches, or on mental acuity. And I say this as someone who has played PC games since 98.

Plant -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 3:30:19 PM)

You come here, denigrate kids, call yourself "oldfag" (what is this, I don't even), and then superimpose your own opinions in the guise of representing other people.

Testmann -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 7:48:05 PM)

Please guys, stop arguing about your menstruation cycles, and unify in all our craving for infos about the next espansion!

Because they've given us 5% of any info so far, so I suppose nobody is satisfied with that.

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 9:27:01 PM)



Igor, I think the problem is that you're basing everything off of what you personally want. YOU find 20% perfect, but what about everybody else? You don't like any kind of spoilers about the gameplay but what about everybody else? Let's not pretend that what you want is also what everybody wants, okay?


i find those 20% perfect just beacuse most of the games IF spoiled above it tend to drop my interest.

I find those 20% useless because it simply doesn't tell me enough about what I'm paying for. I want to know what kind of gameplay I'm investing in and I want to know if the difficulty is based on button dexterity, cookie cutter approaches, or on mental acuity. And I say this as someone who has played PC games since 98.

and let's stop reading between the lines ok ?it's not smart nor looks like it.
you read what you need to write your post,totaly ignored everything else.
i could speak for everyone,but instead is speak for MYself,mainly because I write this post.
if there is ONE man with one point of view,there WILL BE ALAWYS more with it.
and i WRITE this in previous posts,which you apparently didn't read fully.



You come here, denigrate kids, call yourself "oldfag" (what is this, I don't even), and then superimpose your own opinions in the guise of representing other people.

i called myself oldfag ?prooflink or go troll elsewhere. plus go do your google home work on this matter if you want to have discussion about it.


ORIGINAL: Testmann
suppose nobody is satisfied with that.

yup,i never said i was :-)
all i did said,that they shouldn't overspoil upcoming info.

Mad Igor -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 9:32:56 PM)


Spidey -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/3/2014 11:35:22 PM)

Right, if it's going to be like that, Igor...


you read what you need to write your post,totaly ignored everything else.

Really? You expect me to comment on every single freaking line of text you've written in order to explain to you that you're being an arrogant twit who passes off his own preference as something everybody wants? Why on Earth would I care to do that? All the other stuff you posted wasn't relevant anyway, was it? So I focused on the relevant bit and skipped all the fluff. Unless you just love redundancy or politely aggressive taunts, you should say thank you.


i could speak for everyone,but instead is speak for MYself,mainly because I write this post.

You are speaking for yourself, mainly because you're just one person. That doesn't mean you didn't try to speak for other people, however.

"old gamers prefer"
"if you play games for long"
"i was talking about gamers with big and long gamming expiriance
"most of the ppls that own DW games"
"there probably more than just me with this point of view"

Pretending that you're not arrogantly making claims on what other people want is hopeless. And now that you're getting called on your fluff, it sure seems like you're trying to backpedal by being dishonest about your conduct. It's understandable behavior, though. It's probably even what I would've done when I was 16-17 years old.


if there is ONE man with one point of view,there WILL BE ALAWYS more with it.

So if there's one man in the world who thinks skunk piss on a peanutbutter sandwich is awesome then surely there's a market for PB and skunk piss sandwiches? Quite amazing reasoning, if you'll pardon me for saying so.

The thing is, there's exactly one user in this topic who shares your opinion and that's you. Everybody else would rather see more information. How exactly does this imply that there's a big group of people who think the same way you do? In my opinion, what you should have done was to simply mention what your own preference is. No boasting, no pretending to be an expert, no excessive attempts to defend your preference against any other preferences, and no talk about some imaginary 20% rule.


i called myself oldfag ?prooflink or go troll elsewhere. plus go do your google home work on this matter if you want to have discussion about it.

No, you didn't. Your "oldfag" comment was part of you saying (or at least trying to say) that you were talking about people with proper gaming experience rather than people who play one game per year and "call it oldfag". You might think this is meaningful English, but in actuality you wrote that these people refer to their one game per year as "oldfag", which mekes no sense whatsoever.

The meaning of those few lines, however, seemed to be that you felt justified in talking about "true gamers", presumably because you consider yourself one of them, and that those who disagree are simply less experienced or less "true". And pardon my French, but that's a complete load of bovine dung.

DasTactic -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 8:02:31 AM)

DevilDog, look what you started! I hate to say it but this is the first flame-war I'm actually getting a chuckle from. Not that it should be encouraged though. :)

All the talk of 'gaming years' got me thinking. I bought my first computer in 1983 about mid-year, a TRS-80. So that's a shade over 30 gaming years (not including the pac-man era gaming time before that). Lol.

As far as the talk of spoilers etc I think that DW is so open-ended that each time you play it is a completely different gaming experience. I make YouTube Let's Plays and DW is one that people like the best because there is always an interesting random plot that the game throws at you. Based on comments from people who buy the game after watching the videos, they need a lot of massaging so that they get a thorough understanding of what experience the game can deliver - especially because of the high price-point for all the expansions. If the game was a scripted RPG then yes, most of the main plots should remain secret. But as it is a sandbox game I think the more shown the better.

I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the next version of DW. :)

Darkspire -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 8:17:36 AM)



DevilDog, look what you started! I hate to say it but this is the first flame-war I'm actually getting a chuckle from. Not that it should be encouraged though. :)

All the talk of 'gaming years' got me thinking. I bought my first computer in 1983 about mid-year, a TRS-80. So that's a shade over 30 gaming years (not including the pac-man era gaming time before that). Lol.

As far as the talk of spoilers etc I think that DW is so open-ended that each time you play it is a completely different gaming experience. I make YouTube Let's Plays and DW is one that people like the best because there is always an interesting random plot that the game throws at you. Based on comments from people who buy the game after watching the videos, they need a lot of massaging so that they get a thorough understanding of what experience the game can deliver - especially because of the high price-point for all the expansions. If the game was a scripted RPG then yes, most of the main plots should remain secret. But as it is a sandbox game I think the more shown the better.

I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the next version of DW. :)

Some posts should come with a like button [:)]


feygan -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 8:47:18 AM)

Ok I'll try not to get too involved in the wonderful mature debate on who has been gaming longer, but I will just say "Attic Attack" [&o]

But moving swiftly on we are now in the 21st century and websites no longer have to consist of a single page, thus is isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility to have a tab/page/button called "Full feature list". Also as a free thinking adult human being in control of his/her/it's actions, anyone can choose to either look at this list or not. Aside from the 5-10 minutes it takes a professional web designer to make this page, the time spent on filling and updating this list as the game gets made is less than the time it takes to pick out juicy info to tease folks with.

By some cosmic influence this happens to keep everyone happy and allows potential customers to make choices based on rational judgment. No rational sane person would buy shoes without at least trying them on for a couple of minutes and that doesn't seem to harm shoe sales that much. 2013 has been wonderful in illustrating the pitfalls of teasers and hiding features etc to name just a few. Simcity, COD, Aliens. A lot of faith has been lost last year through developers & publishers handing out tidbits of info then after purchase we find out the actual features require a very oblique interpretation.

Films & books require trailers and blurbs for the story, anything else is no different that the materials used in clothing and the technical listing of a tv set. All information that rational folks use to determine their purchase choices. I struggle to think of what kind of person finds out their tv set does/doesn't have a auto dim feature after purchase and is happy at the "surprise discovery".

Icemania -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 12:33:15 PM)


DevilDog, look what you started! I hate to say it but this is the first flame-war I'm actually getting a chuckle from. Not that it should be encouraged though. :)

Oh c'mon Das, first time LOL, like you don't visit some forums for flare war entertainment ... !

Mass Effect 3 after the ending controversy was my personal favourite.

Any recommendations?

Now this was a computer ...


Spidey -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 12:46:10 PM)


Ok I'll try not to get too involved in the wonderful mature debate on who has been gaming longer, but I will just say "Attic Attack"

I humbly bow in respect of your seniority. It definitely blows away my proper PC gaming introduction with Sid's Civ and Diablo. [:)]

DevildogFF -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 2:44:38 PM)

Do you mean Atic Atak?? I remember my dad playing that when I was really young!

If so, I, too, bow to your PC Gaming seniority.

Edit: looked it up, it's actually "Atic Atac". Same game?

DevildogFF -> RE: Fourth Expansion? (1/4/2014 2:47:59 PM)


And add DAS' videos as an official tutorial, while you're at it! ;)

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