Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (12/7/2014 5:01:02 PM)
During the return to base phase, a large part of the Italian battle fleet rebases in Gibraltar. Germany produces 31 build points, of which 2 are send to the USSR. It saves 3 oil. 1 oil is used in reorganisation. It builds 3 pilots, LND3, LND2, FTR2, 2MIL, 3 INF, ARM Italy produces 7 build points. It saves 3 oil. 2 oil are used in reorganisation. It repairs a SUB and builds 2 pilots and a FTR2 Japan produces 16 build points. It saves 1 oil. 2 oil are used in reorganisation. It finishes the AMPH, starts the CV Taiho, builds 2 pilots, a FTR, 2 CVP1, 1 CVP0 and a TERR. France produces nothing. It saves 2 oil. No oil is used in reorganisation. A SUB isn't reorganised USSR produces 21 build points. It receives 2 from Germany. It saves 3 oil. No oil is used in reorganisation. It builds a MIL, GAR, 3 INF, MOT and an ARM. The MOT, GAR and MIL force pools are now empty... US produces 20 build points. It saves 1 oil. No oil is used in reorganisation. It finishes the New Jersey, starts 2 Essex class carriers and a TRS. It builds 2 pilots, 3CVP1 and a GAR. CW produces 23 build points. It saves 14 oil. 3 oil is used in reorganisation. It repairs the Spanish transport and builds 2 MIL, INF, MAR, 2 pilots, FTR3 and 2 convoy points. Greece and Egypt were conquered by Germany. Crete is conquered by Italy. The Greek convoy again escapes for Tripolis. It's time for the national anthem of the Kindom of Egypt, as was used during the war... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TLdnoRRS5I May/June 1941. Start of turn phases: Here are the reïnforcements of this turn: [image]local://upfiles/38590/4594D20A9A8E4CB9BF09172C4E5DEAF3.gif[/image]