RE: A musical global war AAR... (Full Version)

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Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/27/2016 7:46:24 PM)

July/August 1943, Allied impulse number 8:

The political situation between the Wallies is a complete mess. Accusations are repeated again and again by politicians. Even the governments in excile of the conquered coutries in the UK are calling for action by the Allies. However, generals and admirals are in complete disagreement on how to proceed. Finally, Roosevelt has had enough. He invites all heads of states for a conference in Washington. He even invites Beria. Meanwhile, the situation in the USSR is such, that Novosibirsk will fall if the turn doesn't end.

Listen to: Let's Get Lost ~ Vaughn Monroe & His Orchestra

All Allied major powers pass, but the turn doesn't end.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/27/2016 7:46:59 PM)

And here's the weather for the next couple of impulses:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 7:58:08 PM)

July/August 1943, Axis impulse number 9:

In Germany, Hitler asks Goebbels what he thinks about the upcoming Allied conference and the lack of cooperation between the British and the Americans. Goebbels thinks about it, and says: we could try to add to the confusion and partly fix a growing problem. What if we announce the release of all prisoners of war from the nations we have conquered... let's say at least two years ago? If we also announce that we are willing to talk about a certain self-government for those countries, we weaken the governments in exile. We could also announce a pardon for all non-officers, currently in the service of the governments in exile, if they want to return to their homes, by not taking them prisoner of war if they defect.

A week later, Hitler personally arrives at the Castle of Laken in Belgium. There, with the camera's of the German Wochenschau in place: he orders the guard of the Belgian King Leopold III, being held as prisoner of war at the castle, to stand down. At the same time, all throughout Western Europe, PoW camps are opened and the men are given one way tickets by train to their homes. The political shock to the governments in exile, and especially the Free French government, is quite large. Politicians in these governments asks themselves if it wouldn't be better to go home and use the amnesty Hitler has promised them. Some ministers of several governments in exile in London resignate and are reported to be travelling to neutral countries...

Listen to: Laura, Jean Sablon

Japan takes a combined action. Germany and Italy take land actions. The Japanese moves more ships into the Bismarck Sea.

The Luftwaffe send bombers to ground strike Timoshenko. The Soviet airforce has no choice but to react and sends over their two FTR's. Two German FTR's also react:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 7:59:44 PM)

After the Luftwaffe couldn't abort the second Soviet FTR, the Luftwaffe aborts, content with the fact that one bomber was cleared through:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:00:22 PM)

Well, that's the result von Rundstedt wanted in the first place. On New Britain, Japanese carrier planes ground strike a US INF:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:01:01 PM)

Germany railmoves a Finnish MECH into Leningrad. An ARM and an ART are railed towards von Leeb, who is currently moving towards Tashkent.

Listen to: Adalbert Lutter - Oh Marie (Oi Marie)

Positions are strengthened throughout the globe by the Axis. Generalfeldmarschall von Bock personally leads another attack against the United States. The Luftwaffe provides ground support. The Allies scramble bombers and FTR's and the Luftwaffe again intercepts:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:01:56 PM)

After the US FTR is aborted, the Allies decide to abort. On the ground, von Bock's attack destroys the enemy. However, he doesn't want to take the hex, since that would expose his troops to a counterattack:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:02:38 PM)

In the USSR, von Rundstedt personally leads the attack. Student's Para's land in the area near Timoshenko's headquarters. The Soviets, realizing that this attack has to be stopped at all cost, throw everything they have to aid the defenders. The Wehrmacht applies the proven Blitzkrieg tactics:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:03:43 PM)

In the swamps near Petropavlovsk, van Manstein decides to get rid of Yeremenko:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:04:24 PM)

At Novosibirsk, Rommel orders his precious Panzer to proceed with caution.

Listen to: “Unser Rommel”

A city, which is probably fortified, is not a very good place to fight in for tanks. However, Stuka pilots report white flags on the city's buildings and see Russian soldiers sitting on the streets. After entering the city, Rommel gets reports that officials of the Communist party have been shot by the soldiers. The defenders capitulate, without a fight:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:05:04 PM)

Vatutin informs Beria, that he is cut of from supplies out of Tashkent. He reports that he might get encircled by German forces. He also informs Beria, that the railroad to Tashkent is now free of Soviet units and that German tanks might enter the city at any moment:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:05:46 PM)

The Japanese fast troops, moving through Siberia to the west, do a shocking discovery. The Japanese soldiers are confronted by a Goelag site. Thousends of people are behind barbed wire, in conditions too harsh for even the harded Japanese soldier! The reaction of the Japanese soldiers is swift: the guards and officials of the Camp are immediately and without mercy beheaded. The Japanese minister of information, sends filmcrews and newsreals are made. The Japanese people are shocked, that a nation is treating their own people this way. At first, the Americans and British are saying that this is Japanese propaganda, but after German reconnaissance troops find another camp and invite the Swiss Red Cross to inspect it, the independant Swiss government reports that the Japanese and German films are indeed the truth, and nothing but the truth. This conclusion shocks the British and American public.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:06:27 PM)

And here is Morocco:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:07:05 PM)

The turn doesn't end:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:23:09 PM)

July/August 1943, Allied impulse number 10:

All Allied major powers pass. Will the USSR be conquered this turn or not?

We'll take a break for an important message: Aunt Jemima

Here is the die roll which is the one which either ends the turn or gives the Axis the chance to move into Tashkent:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (6/30/2016 8:23:49 PM)

And here's the weather for the next couple of impulses:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:52:46 PM)

July/August 1943, Axis impulse number 11:

In Berlin, the OKW gets a message from von Rundstedt. He reports that he received a message from General Vatutin, as acting supreme commander of the Soviet Armed Froces, wants to ask what the terms are for the capitulation of the Soviet Armed Forces. Von Rundstedt writes: “it looks like the Soviet government in Tashkent has collapsed. We are getting reports out of cities like Yakutsk and Alma Ata that citizens are revolting against communits rule. The number of desertions out of the Soviet armies seems to be increasing day by day and there isn't a lot of fighting going on at the frontlines anymore. I've ordered an attack on Tashkent, but it doesn't appear that there are any preparation done to defend the city, according to the Luftwaffe. Do you allow me to accept the capitulation of the Soviet armed forces, or do I have to ask for an unconditional surrender?”

The Führer answers: “for the Bolsheviks criminals, we have to demand an unconditional surrender”.

Time for some German propaganda: Charlie and his Orchestra - Nice people

Germany takes a land, Japan a combined and Italy an air impulse.

A German He flies into the North Sea. This gives the Italian the opportunity to search for CW shippng. Axis roll 3, Allies roll 3. Since there are no Allied FTR's covering the Home Fleet, which is still operating in Norwegian waters, there is only the AA guns which can reduce the attack:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:53:22 PM)

Bombs away:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:54:07 PM)

Again, the British admiral reports that the Axis only seems to concentrate their attacks on the transport ships. Again the First Sea Lord orders him to stay in the sea zone. Did I mention already, that there is a high chance of fog in Norwegian waters? Axis roll 10, Allies roll 9.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau:

More merchantmen are moved into the South China Sea. US submarines are still present in the area and search for Japanese shipping. However, storms are not the right weather to find enemy shipping: Allies roll 9, Axis roll 9.

The Aeronatica Regina sends heavy bombers, escorted by FTR's to London. FTR Command reacts:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:54:43 PM)

FTR Command recalls all remaining FTR's, allowing the heavy bombers to bomb the city:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:55:18 PM)

Italian bombers ground strike US units in Morocco:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:56:05 PM)

Germany rails a MECH out of the USSR into Basra. An INF is railed from Perm to the Tashkent area. An historical event takes place in Siberia: Japanese and German soldiers meet:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:56:39 PM)

Tashkent is entered by the German 1st armoured division. A lot of Soviet planes are destroyed on the ground. Von Rundstedt however, is reluctant to waste any more men and equipment for attacks on the surrounded Soviet forces. He sends a short message to Vatutin: “if you and your men want to live, surrender”.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/1/2016 9:57:57 PM)

The turn ends.

A German march song: Im grünen Wald dort wo die Drossel singt

No partisans appear.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:32:17 PM)

July/August 1943, end of turn phases:

Let's start with the destroyed pool:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:32:56 PM)

The US cruiser Honolulu gets scrapped.

Listen to: Marilena by Orchestra Barzizza

Since the USSR is no longer a threath to the German war machine, orders are send to the shipyards to “make sure all ships and submarines get repaired and new ones get started”. The focus shifts to FTR's, NAV's and long range strategic bombers by the Euroaxis.

Germany produces 60 build points of which 5 are send to Italy. It uses 10 oil for reorganisation. It repairs and finishes a SUB. The Väinämöinen, Helle and Krasni Krym are repaired. Builds are: CV, BB, offensive, 5 pilots, 2 LND4, FTR3, 2 FTR2, MAR.

Italy producres 18 build points and receives 5 from Germany. It uses 4 oil for reorganisation. It finishes a SUB and builds 4 pilots, NAV3, NAV2, 2 FTR2, CV, MAR division.

Japan produces 33 build points. It uses 7 oil for reorganisation. It repairs the Haruna and builds 6 pilots, NAV3, NAV2, 2 CVP1, FTR2, CVP0, SUB, 4 CP, INF, MIL.

Here are the Axis oil reserves at the end of the turn:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:33:42 PM)

The CW produces 35 build points and receives 5 from the US. It uses 8 oil for reorganisation. It repairs an AMPH and a TRS. Another TRS gets finished. Builds are: 5 pilots, 5 FTR2, Gort, MOT, CAV.

France receives 3 buildpoints from the US. It did save 2 points from last turn. It uses 1 oil for reorganisation. It finishes an AMPH. 1 Build point gets saved.

The US produces 77 build points and sends 5 to the CW and 3 to France. It uses 11 oil for reorganisation. It repairs the Nashville and finishes the Wisconsin, the Langley II and a SUB. Builds are: offensive, 7 FTR2, 5 pilots, 5 CP, INF, 2 MOT and an ENG

The USSR produces nothing and can't use any oil to reorganise units.

The Axis are building 111 build points and the Allies 112 build points. On both sides, all factories are producing, except when they have been succesfully bombed...

Listen to: Moonlight Becomes You - Bing Crosby

Here are the Allied oil reserves at the end of the turn:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:34:32 PM)

In the USSR, the Soviet government collapses. Vatutin has no choice but to accept an unconditional surrender of the Soviet army. Beria is captured while trying to cross the mountains towards Afghanistan. In Rome, Mussolini announces that an international court will be held at Stalingrad, to bring to justice those officials of the former Soviet Union, who are responsible for crimes against humanity.
In Germany, the authorities allow that the ban on organising fairs is lifted for the rest of the year, to allow German citizens to celebrate this magnificent victory by the German Wehrmacht.


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:36:38 PM)

September/October 1943, start of turn phases:

During a hastly organised festival with a large military parade held on the 3rd of september in Berlin, Hitler promotes von Rundstedt, since he is the oldest serving German soldier, to Reichsmarschall. He does so, while honoring the soldiers who will not return from the east. Göring isn't too happy about that promotion. Factories and businesses close, since the citizens of Berlin want to celebrate the grand victory together with the soldiers of the Wehrmacht:

Kehr ich einst zur Heimat wieder (Wenn I return to my homeland):

Here are the Axis reinforcements:


Centuur -> RE: A musical global war AAR... (7/6/2016 4:37:15 PM)

And the Allied reinforcements:


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