Private sector do nothing? (Full Version)

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Zabero -> Private sector do nothing? (1/7/2014 7:54:29 AM)

Its like my 3rd game where it looks like my priv sector do not transport enything but there is a lot of stuff on mining stations.
Also noticed all "enemy" fraighters dock to planets not spaceports, check my capital planet there wired stuff going on.

Can someone check this savegame and tell me if its normal or not.

Playing DW:Shadows
Mods: Graphics Enhancement Mod(GEM), Distant Worlds Extended Shadows 3.0.4

Save is 82MB.

Flinkebeinchen -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/7/2014 1:14:02 PM)

You made some mistakes that caused your Private Sector to stall the transport requests.

You have way too much Spaceports - 16. This causes your Freighters to massively transport and stockpile many resources on your colonies. Try 3-4.

Your Mining Stations have a lot of open requests for resources too. There are not many Freighters left to get the resources from your Mining stations because they are delivering alot of small amounts to get all the open requests for refitting done.

You have way too much research capacity too. Your potential is 1.13M but you have around ~4M. The extra labs don't have any use, they just add up to your costs.

Zabero -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/7/2014 1:59:41 PM)

Holy ...

Scraped all this spaceports. And you know what game is playable again the lag is gone:D

So much thanks:D

Flinkebeinchen -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/7/2014 2:19:20 PM)

Glad that I could help you [:D]

For the Entertainment and Medic bonus just design a Defense Base, Star Base or Resort Base.

Zabero -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/8/2014 11:02:53 AM)

Got one more problem.

My save files is 100MB now and savig take like 15-20 mins.
Checked what speed it saves in resource monitor it says 150,000 B/s

Wired thing is that game while saving read this file too, With speed 30,000 B/s

Any tips how to fix this?

CyclopsSlayer -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/8/2014 5:58:16 PM)

100MB? Games I have that have gone nearly 100 years in are barely over 30MB. I have to go back to the version to find a 39MB save.

I think much of the save time in DW is how the game complies the Save file, NOT the time to move it to disk. I play DW and the File save locations are on SSD's so should take like 1 second for the listed size, instead it is more like 15-25 seconds.

Zabero -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/8/2014 7:52:53 PM)

Year 2181 savefile 114MB. Saving is like 30 mins :/

HariSeldon -> RE: Private sector do nothing? (1/8/2014 10:06:29 PM)

Size is maybe fact of GEM mod ?

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